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整个白天,蓝鸟在飞。All day, Bluebird flew.

猫头鹰和知更鸟成了好朋友。Owl and Bluebird became good friends.

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猫头鹰帮助蓝鸟移到她的新家。Owl helped Bluebird move into her new home.

白天,猫头鹰在睡觉,晚上,知更鸟睡觉。All day, Owl slept. All night, Bluebird slept.

当猫头鹰叫的时候,知更鸟睡不着。And when Owl hooted , Bluebird could not sleep.

在夜晚,猫头鹰和蓝鸟彼此相互拜访。Owl and Bluebird visited each other in the evening.

同他父亲一样,他也驾驶着一辆名叫“蓝鸟”的汽车。Like his father, he was driving a car called Bluebird.

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白天知更鸟吃虫子,晚上猫头鹰捉老鼠。All day, Bluebird ate bugs. All night, Owl hunted mice.

猫头鹰和蓝鸟作为朋友和邻居很高兴。Owl and Bluebird were glad to be friends and neighbors.

这只小蓝鸟看到很多鸟在这里,她又高兴起来了。The little bluebird saw many birds here and she was happy again.

蓬山此去无多路,青鸟殷勤为探看。Pengshan this to no more road, as the Tankan Bluebird hospitality.

蓝知更鸟和朝鲜蓟被放在一个单独的房间里管理。BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE were administered in a compartmented fashion.

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象征幸福的青鸟,或别的什么东西,总是擦肩飞过,让人抓不到。The Bluebird of happiness, or whatever, has always fluttered just out of reach.

花圃中的蓝知更鸟,衡宇中的精灵,路边的大好人。bluebird in the garden, a spirit in a house, a kind man on the side of the road.

花园中的蓝知更鸟,房屋中的精灵,路边的好人。A bluebird in the garden, a spirit in a house, a kind man on the side of the road.

幸福的青鸟啊,展开翅膀,告诉我,他目光停驻的方向!Bluebird of happiness, ah, the wings started to tell me that he docked the direction of attention!

慢慢黄沙中,她看到神秘的青鸟飞过,露出疲倦的笑容,于是我扬起笑容。Slowly yellow sand, she saw a mysterious Bluebird flew, scatter tired smile, so I stirring up a smile.

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一天晚上,一场暴风雨惊醒了知更鸟,风很大,知更鸟从树枝上掉了下来。猫头鹰快速的去抓住了她。One night, a huge storm woke bluebird. The wind blew hard. Bluebird fell from her branch. Owl sped to grab her.

一对新婚的蓝知更鸟来了,看了一眼公寓4-D,我们最好的蓝知更鸟房,迅速搬了进去。A pair of newlywed bluebirds arrived, took one look at Apartment 4-D, our very best bluebird box, and promptly moved in.

在纳什维尔颇受欢迎的流行歌手盖瑞·伯尔,请希尔为他在蓝鸟咖啡屋的演出担任固定伴唱。Burr asked Hill to become his regular backing vocalist at his Bluebird Cafe shows. One such performance was attended by Warner Bros.