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现在,不吸烟可能反而是件新鲜事了。Perhaps now the novelty should be the nonsmoker?

这也许一半是由于他不吸烟、也不喝酒的缘故。Perhaps this was partly because he was a nonsmoker and a teetotaler.

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你的第一次戒烟计划就成功地是你从一个烟民变成了一个五烟人士。Your first attempt to quit smoking lead you to become a permanent nonsmoker.

经过5年的戒烟,风险都是一样的,因为那些一不吸烟。After 5 years of smoking cessation, the risks are the same as those of a nonsmoker.

比如说,你如果认为“戒烟很困难”,那么你就不可能成为一个不吸烟的人。For example, you won't become a nonsmoker by thinking thoughts like, "Quitting smoking is hard."

10年不吸烟,吸烟者患肺癌的几率将降至和不吸烟者一样低。Because after 10 years without smoking, the risk of lung cancer is similar to that of a nonsmoker.

这样将会帮助吸烟者身体适应变成不吸烟者的新生活方式。Treatment of these energy points will helps the body adjust to this new lifestyle change of becoming a nonsmoker.

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如果你考虑一下戒烟的益处,利用今天有益的经验,今年可能会使你成为戒烟者。If you consider the benefits, and take advantage of today's helpful resources, this could be the year you successfully become a nonsmoker.

但如果你想想戒烟的好处,再重复利用今天的有用资源,也许今年你就会戒烟成功。If you consider the benefits, and take advantage of today's helpful resources, this could be the year you successfully become a nonsmoker.

如果我的朋友相信他只能“尽力”戒烟,那他很可能无法成为一个不吸烟者。There is no try’!” If my friend believes that he’ll only try to quit smoking, then he probably won’t receive the gift of being a nonsmoker.

假设不吸烟的你和一个烟民同住一室,根据科斯定理,什么决定了你的室友是否在室内吸烟?Imagine that you are a nonsmoker sharing a room with a smoker. According to the Coase theorem, what determines whether your roommate smokes in the room?

原则上,纽约市政厅认为无论是在酒吧还是中央公园的草地上,不吸烟者不应该吸入哪怕一点点的二手烟,于是他们通过了此项禁令。The City Council passed the ban on the principle that a nonsmoker shouldn’t have to inhale even a tiny amount of secondhand smoke, whether in a bar or a Central Park meadow.

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研究显示如果一个人每天抽烟超过10支,并且烟龄超过10年的话,那么从统计学上来讲,更有可能比那些不吸烟的人生成褶皱的,皮革状的皮肤。Research shows that a person who smokes 10 or more cigarettes a day for a minimum of 10 years is statistically more likely to develop deeply wrinkled, leathery skin than a nonsmoker.