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经医生诊断指导。Diagnoses the instruction after doctor.

判断一个演化支或单源群。Diagnoses a clade or monophyletic group.

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他给国王一张诊断的图表。He gave the king a diagram of diagnoses.

这本书切中了我们现在经济的时弊。The book diagnoses our present economic ills.

其他医生有乐观些的诊断吗?Any of your other doctors Have any cheerier diagnoses?

事实情况是,戴维斯夫人罹患的两种病都是要命的。The fact is that Mrs. Davis had two dreadful diagnoses.

病理经血液学病理专家确认。Diagnoses had been confirmed by expert hematopathologists.

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最终诊断为急性阂尾炎。Diagnoses finally for acute cuts off from the tail inflammation.

除了统计人员外,所有人对父母的症状都是不了解的。All but the statisticians were blinded to the parental diagnoses.

因此,对疾病诊断分类时不能把诊断名称按ICD-10的编码对号入座。And then, its unfit to decide the ICD-10 code based on the diagnoses.

这些因素给尘肺的早期诊断带来了难度。These factors add difficulty to the early diagnoses of pneumoconiosis.

其中DSA是动脉狭窄诊断的金标准。The DSA is still the golden standard for diagnoses of arterial stenoses.

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临床上CD44有可能成为新的诊断指标和治疗靶点。CD44 will probably become a new mark in diagnoses and target in therapies.

诊断主要依据X线检查及其测量。Their diagnoses were confimed mainly by X-ray examination and measurement.

“该医院诊断的黑色素瘤患者人数有所增加,”她说。“The number of melanoma diagnoses has increased in the hospital,” she says.

因此,单凭脓尿诊断尿路感染是不可靠的。Accordingly, it is fluky that sheet diagnoses uric road to affect by pyuria.

目的探讨布加综合征的诊断和治疗方法。Objective To investigate the diagnoses and treatment of Budd Chiari syndrome.

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以上的一些诊断分析来源于性格测试方法罗夏墨迹。These "diagnoses" are part of a personality test, the Rorschach Inkblot test.

这个维多利亚时代的统称词汇分裂成很多不同的诊断名称。What had been a Victorian catch-all splintered into many different diagnoses.

产科主要诊断的选择和书写是有一定的原则的。There are some principles in selecting and writing obstetrical main diagnoses.