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静脉为蔓状丛。Vein is tendril shape clump.

前面不远处有一丛树林。Not far ahead was a clump of trees.

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谁的手圈住了那束光亮。Someone's hand around its clump of light.

谁把那堆乱蓬蓬的花插在花瓶里的?Who put that messy clump of flowers in the vase?

一条小溪从树丛中蜿蜒穿过。A stream meandered gently through a clump of trees.

我们十二个挤成一团睡觉。The twelve of us slept together in a tangled clump.

无独有偶地,这样的相似区块也出现在北极附近。A clump of similar patches exists near the North Pole.

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接着教堂从一丛绿树中含羞似地探出头来。The church then peeped out modestly from a clump of trees.

鹿林彗星和其他彗星一样,是一堆冰气体和尘埃组成。Lulin, like all comets, isa clump of frozen gases mixed with dust.

人类能关注的东西本身就有限,而这些东西往往却都杂七杂八混成一团。There is also only so much human attention, and it tends to clump.

它不会随时间而变形、结块或者空心化,而且是低致敏的。It won’t shift, clump or hollow out over time, and is hypoallergenic.

仿佛他用自己的厚靴子无情地践踏了一丛野风信子。It was as if he had hacked with his thick boots at a clump of bluebells.

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一贯的根状茎短颈,秆总是形成一片单个的丛。Rhizomes consistently short necked, culms always forming a single clump.

这一堆纸桦树的树干是由红色和黄色的火焰来作为它的背光。This clump of paper birch trunks was backlit by a blaze of reds and yellows.

可她没把纱线放进锅里,放进的却是些粗麻疙瘩。However, instead of the yarn, she put in a clump of tow and let it boil away.

每年春天,在您窗前刺槐的花丛里会飞来一只黄莺。A nightingale comes to the clump of acacias opposite your windows, every spring.

通常潮湿和粘性的微细颗粒易于聚集和结块。In general fine particles tend to clump and agglomerate if they are moist or tacky.

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通常,潮湿和粘性的微细颗粒易于聚集结块。In general, fine particles tend to clump and agglomerate if they are moist or tacky.

窗外的竹子被狂风吹得稀里哗啦,东倒西歪。The clump of bamboo outside the window was completely flattened by the raging winds.

将这块地上耳穗里的庄稼搓出并撒到备好的土地里。The grain was rubbed out of the ears in the clump and scattered in the prepared soil.