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一个不愿奋起力争、背叛种族的黑人?A racial sellout unwilling to stand up for himself?

他的风范与野心标志着他作为一个不真实的黑人男子,一个虚设。His demeanor and ambition mark him as an inauthentic black man, a sellout.

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这齣戏在媒体有足够的曝光机会,票应该会有销售一空的票房。If the play receives enough exposure in the media, it should be a sellout.

但是,其它非洲国家指责埃塞俄比亚领导人背叛。But other African countries have accused the Ethiopian leader of a sellout.

有些人一点道德都没有。出卖给特洛伊木马现在在英国已经是家常便饭了。Some people have no morals. Sellout to the Trojan Horse is very common in the UK now.

这是这个巨蛋球驵今年第二次售完,开幕赛以来的第一次。It was the second sellout of the season in this domed stadium, the first since opening day.

但不管多宽,都要警惕邪恶,防范虚伪,反对背叛。Whatever how wide, we also guard the villainy , keep the false away and oppose the sellout.

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在DailyKos.com博客上发表的一篇博文称奥巴马为草案投票的决定是“背叛”和“策略失误。”One post on the blog called Obama's decision to vote for the bill a "sellout" and a "tactical blunder."

下午,阳光温暖,纳尔逊.曼德拉海湾球场的42,286个座位座无虚席,巴西控制着比赛的前45分钟,然后土崩瓦解。On a warm afternoon before a sellout crowd of 42,286 at the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Brazil dominated the first 45 minutes, then fell apart.

下午,阳光温暖,纳尔逊.曼德拉海湾球场的42,286个座位座无虚席,巴西控制着比赛的前45分钟,然后土崩瓦解。On a warm afternoon before a sellout crowd of 42, 286 at the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium, Brazil dominated the first 45 minutes, then fell apart.

同时,对于买了本场比赛球票的Charlotte的球迷来说,他们也很难接受这一点.因为本赛季的39场主场比赛中,这是山猫队仅仅第五次买光主场的票.It was hardly the lineup Charlotte fans expected when they purchased tickets for the game. The Bobcats' had only their fifth sellout in 39 home games.

他们甚至给杰克孙连一封信都没有写。杰克孙博客里人们开始称他“叫座的签名塔可钟”之后,才发现人们针对他的攻势是那么猛烈。They neglected to send a letter to the rapper, but Jackson found about the campaign after blogs started calling him a sellout for endorsing Taco Bell.

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一些民主党人认为奥巴马拟议的企业减税计划是在迎合共和党人。Obama's economic-recovery plan is drawing flak from both sides of the aisle, with some fellow Democrats viewing his proposed business tax cuts as a sellout to Republicans.

“冯先生由一个艺术家变成一个收藏家,由一个作家变成一个百科全书编撰者”,梅耶感叹着,却也毫不掩饰自己对前者收藏反叛英雄的嘲讽。"Feng had transformed from artist to collector, from a writer to an encyclopedist, " Meyer laments, barely concealing a nonstandard sneer at this former housing hero's sellout.

本场比赛为奥运会中最热门的比赛之一,巨人姚明在开场得分后,场上的1万8千名观众集体欢呼。In one of the hottest ticket contests of the Beijing Games, giant Chinese centre Yao Ming triggered a deafening roar from a sellout crowd of 18,000 after scoring the opening basket.

从比赛曲折的过程来看,双方的教练都奉行“把今天当作最后一场比赛”的策略,而且这个对阵很有可能就是季后赛首轮对阵的形式,首位的湖人对上排名第八的勇士。From the screaming, bipartisan sellout crowd to the coaches' no-tomorrow strategies, the game felt an awful lot like a playoff preview for the first-place Lakers and the eighth-place Warriors.