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为什么不上岸去见见您的朋友呢?Why not disembark and see your friend?

我们应该从右边出口下船。We should disembark from the right exit.

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众仙女们飞奔上岸。Numerous fairy people gallop to disembark.

坐在身旁的伴侣在什么地方下车?Where does disembark the coupler sitting beside?

下机时请您不要发急,我来救济您拿行李好么?。May I help you with your luggage when you disembark?

他们到底会不会上岸还不清楚。It is still unclear whether they will disembark at all.

有多长的时间可让旅客离船?How long is the time allowed for passengers to disembark?

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惟有已预定马六甲上岸观光活动的乘客方可下船。Only those pre-booked on Malacca excursions may disembark.

我们的游船停靠在那里,有另外一个旅游团正准备下船。We were docking there so that another group could disembark.

飞机在法国降落后,一位空姐扶飞行员下飞机。A stewardess gives a pilot a hand as they disembark in France.

离船时请将交回登轮证并做离船登记。Please return the Boarding Pass and off-register when disembark.

从海路前来的游客将搭乘渡轮在兰卡威主要的市镇-瓜镇上岸。Visitors arriving by sea will disembark at the jetty in the main town of Kuah.

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途中可以下车玩玩,去观赏极地风光、丝绸之路以及首都莫斯科。Disembark for a few days to explore the Russian Arctic, the Silk Road or Moscow.

于是他们在斯坦索姆附近登陆,然后再一次开始了步行。They had been forced to disembark near Stratholme and proceed on foot once again.

但之后一段时间就唔知乜野缘故,始终无法再登陆到你嘅网,好遗憾。But I don't know why I can't suceed to disembark your web later, it's very regret.

请将您的护照准备好,下机后有移民局官员进行检查。Please get your passport ready. The immigration officer will check it when you disembark.

我们有一个人质。请示客梯车待命以便让旅客下机。We have a hostage situation. Request stair vehicles on standby to disembark the passengers.

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他们到达一个漂浮在地幔中充满了晶体的岩石泡泡内。They disembark in a rock bubble filled with crystals which is floating around the earth's mantle.

我帮您把行李放在座椅下面吧,落地后提拿也会方便些。May I put your hand luggage under the seat? It could be more convenient to take when you disembark.

医务人员和警察登机评估情况,最终请比格尔一家离机。Paramedics and police were brought on board to assess the situation and eventually asked the Beegles to disembark.