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我的两颊很烫。My cheeks burn.

烧毁它,退订了它。Fire it. Burn it.

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燃烧物。Things that burn.

该把它烧掉吗?Should you burn it?

并深深地烙进你的思想。Burn it into your mind.

焚烧某人的肖像以泄恨。Burn a person in effigy.

不要过河拆桥。Don’t burn your bridges.

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他犯这种罪就要下十八层地狱。He may burn for this sin.

可能还要烧几个月。It could burn for months.

是指在地狱里被烧死吗?Does he mean burn in hell?

UVB会灼伤你的皮肤。UVB rays can burn your skin.

野火烧不尽,春风呼又生。Violent fires soon burn out.

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因为他们“喜欢火烧般的感觉”。Because they "love the burn".

第十二节杀光,烧光,抢光!Kill All, Burn All, Loot All!

我是想烫全头的。I want to burn the whole head.

缪斯尼埃,我们要把你的书烧光!Musnier, we'll burn thy books.

宁为烧尽,不愿锈坏。Rather burn out than rust out.

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有些酸能把木头烧成洞。Some acids burn holes in wood.

斯巴达将被战火夷为平地!Spart will burn to the ground.

碘酒烧灼得伤口火辣辣的。The cuts Burn from the iodine.