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罗伊兹海角群栖地的阿德利企鹅。Adélie penguins at the Cape Royds rookery.

一个群栖地可以容纳上百万个企鹅。A single rookery may contain as many as a million penguins.

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隔着一定距离亲眼目睹,这效果就象有热源点亮了全部鸟巢。Seen from a distance, the effect was like heat shimmer over the whole rookery.

这条河也是苍鹭和其它各种各样野生动物的栖息地。The river is also home to a heron rookery and various other types of wild life.

去年夏天,夏德去坦帕湾拍摄琵鹭聚居地。Last spring, Shadle headed to Tampa Bay to photograph a spoonbill rookery there.

然后在回到群居地后,父母会通过声音识别找到自己的幼鸟。Then, back at the rookery , the parent finds its own chick by voice recognition.

上海东方明珠塔底层历史陈列馆蜡像。清朝末年的上海贫民窟。Waxwork depicting Shanghai rookery in late 19th century, Shanghai History Museum, basement of Oriental Pearl Tower.

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每天,当舒尔茨从直升机营地徒步走向帝企鹅栖息地时,着了迷的企鹅都会靠近他。The fascinated penguins approached Mr Schultz each day as he hiked from a helicopter base camp to the main Emperor rookery.

南乔治亚岛雪原上午在和平提供了对比研究,对南方象海豹和王企鹅共享鲁克里。South Georgia Island—A snowy morning offers a peaceful study in contrasts as southern elephant seals and king penguins share a rookery.

沿着库克冰川曾经崩解的大冰尖所在的海滩直到海洋,成队的王企鹅孵化出来。Along the beach where the Cook Glacier once calved great pinnacles of ice into the sea, the rookery now calves flotillas of king penguins.