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他亲切地挥了挥手。He waved his hand hospitably.

谢谢你热情的款待。I was hospitably entertained. Thank you!

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女主人殷勤款待她的宾客们。The hostess hospitably entertained her guests.

忽必烈汗在北京,他们受到了盛情款待。At Peking was the Great Khan, and they were hospitably entertained.

老人非常热情好客,亲自为我们打开房门。Old person is warm hospitably , turns on the door personally for us.

热情且内敛,个性而和谐。Hold back hospitably and inside, but individual character is harmonious.

在我的绿色的大旅舍里,我得到了最周到的招待和最体贴的服务。I had been most hospitably received and punctually served in my green caravanserai.

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他已成家。他和新女主人热情接待了她,就在他们曾经蜗居的小屋内。He had got married. He and the new hostess hospitably received her in the cabin they ever lived.

于是他跟着蟾蜍坐到餐桌旁,殷勤地劝他多吃,好补上前些时的亏损。He followed him to the table accordingly, and hospitably encouraged him in his gallant efforts to make up for past privations.

于是他跟着蟾蜍坐到餐桌旁,殷勤地劝他多吃,好补上前些时的亏损。He followed him to the table accordingly, and hospitably encouraged him in his gallant efforts to make up for past privations.

庙里的方丈热情地接待了他们,并请求借玄奘美丽的袈裟好好看一看,玄奘同意了。The abbot hospitably received them. He requested to borrow Xuan Zang's beautiful cassock to get a better look and Xuan Zang agreed.

每次活动,她都会热情的将会员一一介绍给我,并细心的关照着有关于我的方方面面。Each activity, she will introduce the member to me hospitably one by one , and there is every aspect about me in careful kind consideration.

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没有人知道易特士王将如何处置他手中的阿格号一行人。不过,他还是很殷勤地款待他们好几天。No one knew what King Aetes meant to do with the Argonauts , who were now in his power. But at any rate, he entertained them hospitably for several days.

春来时还常有几枝娇艳的桃花杏花,娉娉婷婷,从墙头殷勤地摇曳红袖,向行人招手。In spring, beautiful peach and apricot blossoms atop the walls, like graceful girls waving their red sleeves, will sway hospitably to beckon the pedestrians.

腓利门一个贫穷的老人,和他的妻子巴马希斯勒殷勤款待了微服私访的宙斯,作为奖赏,他们贫寒的小屋被变成了华丽的神殿。A poor elderly man who, with his wife Baucis, treated the disguised Zeus so hospitably that as a reward their humble cottage was transformed into a magnificent temple.

而最近﹐在连州举行的第三届摄影节﹐清远友善地接待了来自世界各地的朋友和旅客。In the recently completed third section of the Lianzhou international photography festival, Qingyuan again hospitably received friends and guests from all over the world.

在港星公司创立二十周年之际,公司将一如既往,以优质的产品、合理的价格、竭诚的服务,热情踏实地与新老客户合作,共创美好的明天!With high-quality products, rational price and wholehearted service, Gangxing will hospitably cooperate with old and new customers as before and make a beautiful tomorrow!

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东和公司以优质的产品、合理的价格、竭诚的服务,热情踏实地与新老客户合作,共创美好的明天!Donghe With high-quality products, rational price and wholehearted service, Donghe will hospitably cooperate with old and new customers as before and make a beautiful tomorrow!

甚至当她不接受别人的位好心,她会热情地对待他们,吃一顿饭或送他们当地的特产,她可以表达她的感激之情。Even when she does accept others' bits of kindness, she will hospitably treat them with a nice meal or send them local specialties that she can afford to express her gratitude.

一个贫穷的老人,和他的妻子巴马希斯勒殷勤款待了微服私访的宙斯,作为奖赏,他们贫寒的小屋被变成了华丽的神殿。Greek Mythology A poor elderly man who, with his wife Baucis, treated the disguised Zeus so hospitably that as a reward their humble cottage was transformed into a magnificent temple.