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对被风雪所困的部队空投了供给品。Supplies were chuted to the snowbound troops.

他将成为冰封的“眺望旅馆”的看管员。He will be the caretaker of the snowbound Overlook Hotel.

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根据希尔,该播放器通过大雪隧道内外。Under Hill, which takes players through snowbound tunnels and beyond.

他的眼睛磨砂,看上去就像一个大雪天从平房的窗户看向窗内。His eyes were frosted, looking inward like the windows of a snowbound cottage.

此季节降雨频繁,气温渐低,10月末将大雪封山。This season, frequent rainfall, the temperature gradually lower end of the 10 snowbound mountainous.

他得在短短夏季里弄足东西,这样家人和牲口才能挺过冰封雪冻的漫漫长冬。He had to produce enough in the short summer to carry the family and animals through the long snowbound winter.

他的军队在三条路程外的地方,被雪封住忍饥挨饿,我这次可是受够了任由他高兴等着他了。His host lies not three days' ride from here, snowbound and starving, and I for one am tired of waiting on his pleasure.

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飞行员应该给那些被雪封住路的村庄空投救济物质,但地方政府经济困难,这使该计划的实施陷入了困境。The pilots were supposed to drop supplies to the snowbound villages, but the local government was poor and they pranged up the whole operation.

二十天后当他们到达唐纳湖时,他们发现帐篷已经完全被雪埋没。幸存的移民们因为他们的到来而狂喜。Arriving at Donner Lake 20 days later, they found the camp completely snowbound and the surviving emigrants delirious with relief at their arrival.

白海,这一令人生畏的巨大内陆海湾,得名于其常年不散的雾气,冰雪覆盖的海岸,以及每年九月至次年五月完全由冰层占据的海面。A vast inland bay, the forbidding White Sea takes its name from constant fog, snowbound shores, and from September to May, a surface composed entirely of ice.

我是北方人,论季节,北方也许正是搅天风雪,水瘦山寒,云南的春天却脚步儿勤,来得快,到处早像催生婆似的正在催动花事。In my hometown in the north, this was the month when rivers were frozen over and mountains snowbound . But spring comes early to Yunnan, urging the flowers to bloom.

而随着斯图加特和莫斯科迪纳摩对德根以及沃诺宁产生出了兴趣,或许这两人的未来也将在下周有个更明确的进展。And with Philipp Degen and Andriy Voronin linked with switches to VfB Stuttgart and Dinamo Moscow respectively, there could be further congestion at a snowbound John Lennon airport in the coming week.