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她把苹果切成四分。She quartered the apple.

比萨饼被分成六块。The pizza was quartered into six pieces.

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士兵们驻扎在城内。The soldiers were quartered in the town.

部队都安置到居民家中去住。The troops were quartered on the inhabitants.

她把饼分成四份,分给每人一块。She quartered the pie and gave each one a piece.

煤炭年产量一年中减少到原来的四分之一。The yearly output of coal was quartered in a year.

他把他的部队安置在镇上的居民家中。He quartered his men on the inhabitants in the town.

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军官将他的队伍驻扎在一所中学里。The officer quartered his troops in a middle school.

他到达巴黎后被安排在使馆里住下。He was quartered at the embassy when he arrived in Paris.

那叛国者被处绞刑,取去内脏并肢解。The traitor was condemned to be hanged, drawn and quartered.

如果我们输掉战争,他们就会被绞死,被砍头,被溺死或者被五马分尸。Had we lost the war, they would have been hanged, beheaded, drown and quartered.

驻扎在北方的某将军麾下的一个团,已经答应让他当旗手。He has the promise of an ensigncy in General ----'s regiment, now quartered in the North.

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旁边是一位年轻的骑兵军官——当时一个枪骑兵军团正驻扎在瓦斯科沃。With her was a young cavalry officer—a regiment of Uhlans was at that time quartered in Vasilkovo.

如果是其他人,占斯你知道,这个家伙会被立刻抓起来的!我要公正!If it was anyone else, Jans, you know that this man would be jailed and quartered by now! I want justice!

然后介绍了图像压缩的有关知识,讲述了离散正交变换的几种方法。Then it tells the knowledge of image compression. It introduces some methods of discrete quartered transform.

自从民兵团驻扎到麦里屯以后,她一脑子只想到谈情说爱,卖弄风情,勾搭军官。Since the ----shire were first quartered in Meryton, nothing but love, flirtation, and officers have been in her head.

正交变换技术已在数字信号的各个领域中得到了多方面的应用,尤其在数据压缩压缩领域。Quartered transform technique has been applied in many fields of digital signal especially in the field of data compression.

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一次,他就像这样住进了他的一个老同学布朗的家里,布朗已经结婚安家,过着稳定的生活。Once he quartered himself like this on an old schoolmate of his, named Brown, who had got married and steady and settled down.

讨论了强相干激光场驱动下的内腔三能级原子的共振荧光谱。We can get the quartered squeezing spectra from the resonance fluorescence of a two-level atom driven by a monochromatic field.

压缩光在现代的生活生产中广泛应用,我们通过用单色场驱动二能级原子获得其共振荧光的分量压缩。We can get the quartered squeezing spectra from the resonance fluorescence of a two-level atom driven by a monochromatic field.