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"又是个神经病,"酒吧招待说过后,转过头去。"Otro loco mas," said the barman and turned away.

“牡鹿?”酒吧老板吼道,“那是只山羊,白痴!”"Stag?" roared the barman. "It's a goat, idiot! "

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侍者往格丽卿的酒杯里倒了些苏打水。The barman splashed some soda in Gretchen's glass.

酒吧服务员用银质小量器量白兰地酒。The barman uses a small silver measure for brandy.

招聘兼职酒吧侍者,工作时间和薪水面议。Part-time barman required. Hours and pay negotiable.

“她一哭起来就象一只喷水壶,”酒柜侍者应声说。"She cries like a sprinkling can, " the barman said.

酒吧男侍将卡片从吧台上滑给福特。The barman slid the card back across the bar at Ford.

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“两杯詹姆森啤酒,”一会儿我对酒吧男侍者说道。"Two Jamesons, please, "I said to the barman a moment later.

为什么酒吧招待能拿到小费,而救人生命的医生却得不到呢?Why does a barman get a tip, but not a doctor who saves lives?

酒吧招待欺骗了我,在找给我的钱里塞进了一枚外国硬币。The barman slipped one over on me and gave me a foreign coin in my change.

该男对这声音感到云里雾里,于是他问吧台招待是什么回事。The man was really puzzled by this so he asked the barman what was going on.

佩吉,向那个酒吧男招待员眨眨眼睫毛,请他给我们拿饮料来。Flutter your eyelashes at the barman. Peggy, and ask him to serve us with drinks.

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这位男子问酒保谁是这只猴子的主人。酒保说是钢琴师!The man asks the barman who owns the monkey. The barman replies the piano player.

酒吧招待看看他,但是,没有答腔,夜深了,不便谈话。The barman looked at him but did not answer. It was too late at night for conversation.

巴曼说,他认为这名妇女是受害者,别人使用了她的电话。Abdel-Rahman Barman says he thinks the woman is the victim of someone who used her phone number.

“那个,”酒吧男侍用刚刚能听见的声音,从干裂的唇间发出低语,“真是太好了,先生。”"That," said the barman in a barely audible whisper, from between dry lips, "will do nicely, sir."

“你去死吧,小子,”酒吧男侍对福特安静地细语,而且证据也在他这边。"You gonna die, boy," the barman murmured quietly at Ford Prefect, and the evidence was on his side.

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于是,这只鸭子看了报纸,喝了啤酒,吃了三明治,跟酒保打了个招呼就走了。So, the duck reads his paper, drinks his beer, eats his sandwich, bids the barman good day and leaves.

今年7月,在北部城镇的哈梅酒保花了创纪录的102个服务于自己的咖啡店啤酒直小时。In July, a barman in the northern town of Hamme spent a record 102 straight hours serving beer in his café.

享受酒吧招待热情服务的日子也许就要结束了,因为世界上首位机器人酒吧招待员已经问世。The days of being served by friendly bar staff may be over as the world's first robotic barman is launched.