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拉雷多的经济非常好。We have a very good economy in Laredo.

事发监狱是新拉雷多市唯一的一座州级监狱。Incident, the prison city of Nuevo Laredo is the only one state-level prison.

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一身深深浅浅的灰搭配条纹露指手套,格子羊毛和马丁靴。Grayscale ensemble with striped arm warmers , argyle wool socks and Laredo lace up boots.

“我必须告诉你真相,”基德说,我在拉雷多卷入了一场纠纷,杀死了一个人。I must tell you, " said Kid, that I took part in a little row in Laredo and killed a man."

正相反,他爸爸在拉雷多市区经营一家商店,他注重宗教,努力工作和大学教育。Instead, his father was a shop owner in downtown Laredo who emphasized church, hard work and the value of a college education.

但是我相信,在不久的将来,拉雷多一定能够出现一个新的书店,因为群众非常有激情。But I am very confident that in the near future that we will have a new bookstore in Laredo because there's a lot of enthusiasm.

据新华社电当地时间17日上午10时许,墨西哥北部边境地区塔毛利帕斯州新拉雷多市发生一起越狱事件,至少159人逃离监狱。AP 17, 10 am local time, Mexico's northern border state of Tamaulipas Nuevo Laredo City jailbreak incident occurred , at least 159 people have fled prison.

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他的哥哥说98年巴尔德斯为了逃避逮捕,游到新拉雷多,在那开了一家小店,然后再也没回过美国。His brother said Mr. Valdez fled across the river into Nuevo Laredo in 1998 to avoid arrest, opened a small shop and never lived in the United States again.

星期二新拉雷多的桥梁上所发现两名受害人的案件中,他们的耳朵和手指被肢解,在公众检察官办公室工作的米恩萨拉斯说。In the case of the two victims found on the Nuevo Laredo bridge Tuesday, their ears and fingers were mutilated, said Mancillas, who works for the public prosecutor's office.

当地时间17日,靠近美国边境的墨西哥北部城市新拉雷多市发生大规模越狱事件,至少有141名囚犯“成功”逃离监狱。Local 17, in northern Mexico near the U. S. border city of Nuevo Laredo mass breakout occurred in the city, killing at least 141 prisoners were "successful" escape from prison.