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她竭力养成一种老于世故的气派。She tried to cultivate an air of sophistication.

白色象征纯洁、洁净和成熟。White symbolizes purity, cleanliness, and sophistication.

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他觉得人们看不起他不懂人情世故。He felt people were contemptuous of his lack of sophistication.

在另一端,我们有优雅和圆滑的,具有C2曲面的物品。On the other end we have C2 objects of elegance and sophistication.

对自尊的各种定义区别在于广度和复杂度上。Definitions of self-esteem vary in their breadth and sophistication.

但是,他的论点的慎密和逻辑,却是显而易见的。But the sheer quality and sophistication of his arguments were obvious.

出现这种情况的明显原因是增加了rootkit的复杂性。The apparent reason for this is the increased sophistication of rootkits.

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紫色是一种显示财富和奢侈的象征王权和诡辩的颜色。Purple is the color of royalty and sophistication showing wealth and luxury.

此外,自动化的驾驶将EN-V这种高级尖端的产品提到了一个新高度。Automated driving, moreover, takes the EN-Vs to a new level of sophistication.

另一方面,你也缺少让天秤座的对象一直开心的经验。You, on the other hand, lack the sophistication required to keep a Libran happy.

遇事还是会败露内心的不平静,做不到成熟老辣。Brought to light the inner distress still not calm, can not mature sophistication.

茉莉花、软香鸢尾及桂花为花香心处添加优雅素养。Luxurious Jasmine, Soft Iris and Osmanthus add sophistication to the floral heart.

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白色象征纯洁、清澈和成熟,作为衬衫的颜色很不错。White symbolizes purity, cleanliness, and sophistication. It works well as a shirt.

知道进入16世纪,欧洲还没有能与此相当的东西。Europeans had nothing of comparable sophistication until well into the 16th century.

它或许不如开心农场和魔兽世界那样制作精细、令人上瘾,但它却在中国网民之间迅速窜红。It may lack the sophistication and addictive power of Farmville or World of Warcraft.

他把天真质朴的奇怪品质同锐利的机智和老练的世故结合了起来。He combined curious qualities of naivete with incisive wit and worldly sophistication.

因此,我认为那些日益复杂化的游戏应该受到欢迎。For that reason I think the increasing sophistication of these games is to be welcomed.

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设计就是理解达芬奇所说的“至繁即是至简”。Design is knowing that "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. " _ Leonardo da Vinci.

仓廪这一话题如此证明了清朝官员的经济诡辩。The topic of grain storage thus illustrates the economic sophistication of Qing officials.

享受时尚,现代的舒适性,抓住了一个海滨家居休闲韵味。Enjoy chic, contemporary comfort, capturing the casual sophistication of an oceanfront home.