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耶稣是最终的救助者。Jesus is the ultimate rescuer.

医疗救护员已正式成为我国的新职业。Medical rescuer becomes a new job in China.

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口罩可以大大减少施救者被感染的机会。A facemask will also reduce the potential for rescuer infection.

D小男孩真诚地谢过救他的人,然后就跑开了。The boy thanked his rescuer sincerely, then ran off down the road.

看到她安全无事后,这名美国妇女并没有留下姓名即离开了。And then, seeing she was safe, the rescuer left without giving her name.

我们会在网站设置引导,将你对天堂的救援者耶稣的信任传递给他。We've set it up to guide you through putting your trust in Heaven's Rescuer.

“你是哪个年级的?”白川村一个救援人员问一个被困的孩子。"Which grade are you in?" a rescuer asks a trapped child in Beichuan County.

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当一名救援者从废墟中抱出一名小女孩时,在场的很多父母潸然泪下。Many parents burst into tears when a rescuer carried a teen-age girl out of the ruins.

在某些情况下由威胁者的威胁引发的不幸,被救助者解救。The Unfortunate is threatened in some way by the Threatener and is saved by the Rescuer.

救援人员从废墟的空隙伸手进去,确认她已经死亡,又冲着废墟喊了几声。A rescuer squeezed in his arm through the clearance of ruins, and confirmed she had been dead.

铱星公司至今未能找到一个有效的解决方案,目前留给他们的时间已经几乎没有了。Satellite phone company Iridium appears to have run out of time in its hopes of finding a rescuer.

一位法国救援者说,他在飘满肢体和残骸的水面上发现了这名14岁女孩。A French rescuer said he had spotted the 14-year-old-girl in choppy waters amid bodies and wreckage.

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当一名救援者从废墟中抱出一名小女孩时,在场的很多父母潸然泪下。Many parents couldn't hold back their tears when a rescuer carried a teenage girl out of the ruins.

因为拒绝本可以救助他们的救助者的帮助而死去的人的故事是个更大的悲剧。It's an even greater tragedy when someone dies because they refused the rescuer who could have saved them.

解救过程中,一名解救人员投出一枚手榴弹时,并没有注意到她就在那里。Linda Norgrove, 36, was killed by an American grenade thrown by a rescuer who did not realize she was there.

无论是你的车抛锚还是你迷路了不知自己身处何方,你都需要一个救助者。Whether it was getting your car stuck or getting so lost you didn’t know where you were, you needed a rescuer.

屏幕所采集到发生在中国街头的一个意外事故,一个被撞倒的幼童最终还是被救援人员救了起来。A screen grab of an incident on a China street where a toddler was run down shows a rescuer finally helping her

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当被困矿工一个接一个地被升到井上之时,现场救援者流泪了,记者哽咽了。When the miners were lifted out of the well one by one, rescuer could not help tearing and journalists weeping.

当一名救援者从废墟中抱出一名小女孩时,在场的很多父母潸然泪下。女孩已经失去双腿。Many parents couldn't hold back their tears when a rescuer carried a teenage girl out of the ruins. She had lost her legs.

而她就像在大海中溺水后被人捞起,因为得救而长松一口气,并且相信自己爱上了救她的人。She is so relieved to be rescued, like someone plucked from a deep sea, that she believes she is in love with her rescuer.