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这块疮疤是她主要的识别记号。This scar is her main distinguishing mark.

皮夹子有什么特征?。Any distinguishing feature about the billfold?

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你会找到最明显的特征?You had to find what is the distinguishing feature?

它有什么有趣和显著的特征?What are its interesting and distinguishing features?

方法WHO生物测定法、区分剂量法。Methods WHO bio-assay and distinguishing dosage method.

其文学理论,“阳刚”之论独具特色。His literature theory's distinguishing feature was virility.

梅也象征着人物高尚的精神和节操。Mei is a symbol of distinguishing spirit and moral integrity.

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徽州园林特色鲜明,风格独特。Huizhou gardens have distinguishing features and special style.

这种植物的最显着特点是它的花头。The most distinguishing feature of this plant is its flower-head.

英国的另一个特色是双层巴士和计程车。Another distinguishing feature are the double decked bus and taxi.

识别说明文的明显特征。Recognizing the distinguishing features of informational articles.

生态学校项目具有两个显著特点。The Eco-Schools model features two distinguishing characteristics.

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眼强周围的云层是在地球上飓风的特色之一。Eyewall clouds are a distinguishing feature of hurricanes on Earth.

有区别的谎言说一千遍才会变成真理。Distinguishing crammer says 1000 times to just can become the truth.

韩国食物最显著的特点就是味道辛辣。The most distinguishing feature of the Korean food is the spiciness.

包括统计的,心理的或其他不同的特征。Include demographics, psychographics or other distinguishing features.

热情而有活力的敬虔是这个教理问答独特的标记之一。Warm, vital piety is one of the distinguishing marks of the catechism.

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这个孩子完全可以将现实和幻想区分开来。Tthe child is perfectly capable of distinguishing reality from fantasy.

我认为,关键是要区别实际变化和名义变化。The key, I think, is in distinguishing between real and nominal changes.

构成剧种特色的最主要因素莫过于音乐唱腔。Vocal music is one of the most distinguishing features in Chinese operas.