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酷酷的真言真语?Cool or True?

这是真事吗?Is this true?

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那倒是真的。That was true.

这玉是真的。But it is true.

阿真招呼道。True hello way.

但这是真的吗?But is this true?

也确实就是这样的。I know it's true.

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听上去挺毛骨悚然的,但这的确是事实。Macabre but true.

虽奇怪,但却是事实。Strange,but true.

这个传闻是真的。That one is true.

的确如此。Yeah, it is true.

他是一个真正的好男儿。He is a true Hero.

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它们是32位操作系统。It is true 32-bit.

乔是个真正的朋友。Joe is a true pal.

所有的真心都能够换来真意。All I can get true.

但是,那都是正确的吗?But is it all true?

我是真葡萄树。I am the true Vine.

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轮子安正了吗?。Is the wheel true ?

但这都是真实的故事。But it was all true.

他是一个忠厚的伴侣。He is a true friend.