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请给我五张二十元的稻十张一元的。Five twenties ind ten singles, p! errse.

现在你知道我二十几岁时为什么一直在喊叫了。Now you know why I spent my twenties crying.

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我也喜欢二十多岁时做年轻爸爸的感觉。And I liked being a young dad in my twenties.

他们估计他有二十五六岁。They judged him to be in his middle twenties.

我将在二十岁时成为知名画家。I will become a famous painter in my twenties.

多岁时他在密苏里州的锡代利亚地区定居。In his twenties he settled in Sedalia, Missouri.

“发了疯了。”二十多岁的人也恍然大悟的说。“Yes, it is crazy!” the man of twenties also said.

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“发了疯了。”二十多岁的人也恍然大悟的说。"Yes, it is crazy! " the man of twenties also said.

警察把他描述成二十几岁的男人。Police described him as a male in his early twenties.

这种附加在上个世纪二十年代上。This Add-on is placed in the twenties of the last century.

一个不满二十岁的年轻人,他可能正是大有奔头的时候。He was in his late teens, early twenties – a very young man.

我的脱发苦旅始于二十出头。I started my long journey of losing hair in my early twenties.

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我们也是三个人,但都不太年轻——二十来岁。There were three of us, too, but not so young—in our twenties.

其中,“奔三”夫妇的离婚率最高。Divorce rates are highest among couples in their late twenties.

他二十岁出头就勾搭上粗俗的女店员阿达做他的情妇。In his early twenties he took Ada, a vulgar shop girl, for his mistress.

特蕾西.考克斯宣称10个人中有1个宣称他们曾试过三人行。One in 10 people claims Tracey Cox have had a threesome in their early twenties.

普通人的词汇量到了二十五、六岁左右就几乎停止增长了。The vocabulary of the average person almost stops growing by the middle twenties.

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十个里有八个妇女在二十几岁时怕惧永久也找不到心领神会的同伙。Eight out of 10 women in their twenties fear that they will never find a soulmate.

在我的青春时代,我拿一切来冒险,我将自己的健康甚至生命至于险地。I risked everything in my teens and twenties. I risked my health and even my life.

在我十几、二十岁的时候,我非常害羞,并缺乏自信。Throughout my teens and early twenties I was quite shy and lacked self confidence.