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他被警察盯梢。He was shadowed by the police.

这间小屋被棕榈树的阴影遮蔽着。The cottage was shadowed by palm trees.

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椴树的树影投身在草坪上。The lawn was shadowed by a linden tree.

到目前为止,好像还没有疑心到有人窥伺。There's no suspicion of being shadowed so far.

每次我离开房间时候,都有安保特工在监视。A security detail shadowed me whenever I left the room.

你的含着痛苦阴影的微笑,对我的眼睛是甜柔的。Your smile which is shadowed with pain is sweet to my eyes.

“眼睛”是孩子的脸,被一顶白色遮阳帽遮住了。The “eye” is the face the child, shadowed by a large white bonnet.

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劳工部报告传递的乐观情绪被标准普尔的声明迅速冲散。Any optimism from that report was quickly out shadowed byS&P's announcement.

在背阴的陨石坑里,这些水可以以冰的形式贮存数十亿年。In shadowed craters, the water could be stored as ice for billions of years.

大雾山国家公园落日余晖中脊盖投下起伏的阴影。Waves of shadowed ridges roll toward sunset in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

科学家预测在常年背光的火山口处有刨冰存在。Scientists speculate there is water-ice in the planet's permanently shadowed craters

何芸质问贺俊峰,昨天晚上盯梢的时候离开了一个多小时去了哪里?He Yun query He Junfeng, yesterday evening the Shadowed the left for more than an hour?

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钟离从沈甜甜那里得知了罗逸菲盯梢的地点,于是便急匆匆的跑了出去。Clock from the learned from shen, sweet Luo Yifei Shadowed locations, then hurried ran out.

潮水还涨著,夕阳跟著你到海堤尽头,你漫步牵车回返。The afterglow shadowed you till the end of the seawall. You strolled back, carrying your bike.

月极附近永久性阴影地区的挥发物的本质是什么?What is the nature of the lunar volatiles in the permanently shadowed regions at the lunar poles?

当我们所爱的一切都突然改变,生命中的乐趣突然被蒙上阴影。The joys in life can suddenly be shadowed when everything we have ever loved has suddenly changed.

有许多坑和斑纹的土卫五漂浮在远方,正从土星环外面的阴暗部分窥视着。Crater-scarred Rhea floats in the distance, peeking out from behind Saturn's partly shadowed rings.

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在这段时间内,阿贝尔的女人们只是等着,她们的脸都隐匿在兜帽下的阴影里。All the while Abel's women waited, their faces shadowed by their cowls. They are doing it all wrong.

而故事前半部分暗示的男性性放荡,则被轻轻掩盖了。The dissoluteness of man suggested in the first half of the story is thus shadowed by this tendency.

他那郁郁寡欢的胖脸和阴沉的椭圆形下颚令人联想到中世纪作为艺术保护者的高僧。The plump shadowed face and sullen oval jowl recalled a prelate , patron of arts in the middle ages.