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释放你的潜力!Unleash your Potential!

我们需要放开数以百万计企业家的手脚。We need to unleash millions of entrepreneurs.

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我已经请她释放,她同意了。I have asked her to unleash and she has concurred.

我冲进店里正准备大发雷霆。I stomped into the store, ready to unleash my fury.

二是深化改革、激发经济活力。Second, deepen reform to unleash economic vitality.

他本来可以发动阿拉伯世界的下层群众反对我们。He could unleash the mobs in the Arab world against us.

愿你将狂风暴雨般的情感倾注到你所爱的人身上。May you unleash a storm of affection on your loved ones.

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哦耶,我就挑骑乘狗了。一起来释放怒火吧!Hell yeah, I'll take the riding dog. Let's unleash the fury!

我们必须在清洁能源方面发动大量的私人投资。We need to unleash massive private investment in clean energy.

不要把你的学生放出去,刚考完试他们会玩儿疯的。Don't unleash your students, they will go crazy after the exams.

释放厄运之潮,打倒一切要打倒我们的人!Unleash the tides of doom! appose all those who would appose us.

恶魔可以开发物理上的神秘能量以及幻想。Demons can unleash arcane energies in physics as well as fantasy.

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自由市场激发创新,开拓繁荣之路。Free markets unleash innovation and blaze the path to prosperity.

掀起毁灭的潮流,反对所有将反对我们的人!Unleash the tides of doom ! Appose all those who would oppose us.

这三者的结合一定能够释放团队的真正潜力。The combination promises to unleash the true potential of the team.

从另一方面讲,有时候写博客的人是想释放他们个性的另一面。On the otherhand , sometimes bloggers write to unleash an alter ego.

他会毫无顾忌地利用火箭发动一场核战争。He would have no qualms about using missiles to unleash a nuclear war.

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这是萨鲁曼将要释放的恐怖的气息。我们必须战斗。This is but a taste of the terror that Saruman will unleash. We must fight.

这份记录同时说明了美国军队想要发动致命行动的意愿。The logs also illustrate the readiness of US forces to unleash lethal force.

创建真棒泡沫无效化条纹发动闪闪发光的宝石阵雨!Create awesome bubble-busting streaks to unleash showers of sparkling jewels!