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弯曲的腿和扭曲的指头。Bandy legs and crooked toes.

她想和我换一支笔。She wants to bandy a pen with me.

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弯曲的前腿和提琴前腿都属于缺陷。Bandy legs and fiddle front are objectionable.

这样一个小财主也敢跟我逗嘴皮子。An upstart like that dares to bandy words with me!

掷骰子最好的点数是丢开。The optimal throw of the dice is to bandy them abroad.

当你们仅仅是互相斗嘴时我们不能当真。We can't take you seriously when you just bandy words.

如果你担心会引起罗圈腿,你还是多抱他。If you're worried that will cause bandy legs, you still hold him more.

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我不想再扯皮下去了,我要你们放弃这种友谊。I am not going to bandy words. I require you to give up this friendship.

那天早上他被蝰蛇咬到脚后,就直接送到了安达曼。After a bandy bite on the foot early that morning, he is being taken straight to the Jaddaman.

潘长江扮演的罗圈腿最有意思了,他滑稽的动作,诙谐的语句,把观众们的肚子都笑疼了!Pan Changjiang play bandy legs are the most interesting, and his antics, witty statement audience of pain laughing!

许多人对一个人每天应当摄取8杯8盎司大小玻璃杯的水这一说法而争论不休。Many people bandy around the suggestion that a person should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water each and every day.

两条短短的罗圈腿,一头又长又乱的姜黄色头发,一双肿胀充血的眼睛,使得他看上去像一只短腿猎狗那样愁苦。He had short, bandy legs, long straggly ginger hair and bloodshot, baggy eyes that gave him the doleful look of a basset hound.

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我们出生时都是四肢短小、没有牙齿,如果没有毛发是个缺点的话,那么我们出生时也会如此。We grow out of having short bandy legs and no teeth. We would also grow out of having a naked skin if it proved to be a disadvantage.

班迪在列举这些民意测验的结果时说,他在南卡罗来纳州的40年生涯中,"从未见过如此旗鼓相当的总统参选人竞选局面。"Citing these South Carolina polls, Bandy said that in his 40-year career in South Carolina, "I've never seen a presidential race that close."

或许这可以解释今年目前为止,巴特那的BPM医院已经增加了近130个被蛇咬伤的病人,几乎所有被咬伤的人都是被这种蝰蛇咬伤的。Perhaps this explains why so far this year, the BPM hospital in Patna has admitted about 130 snake bite patients, nearly all of them bitten by bandy.

利用内、外场匹配的方法,给出了求解流动非均匀性对辐射问题影响的新方法。By a matching procedure, a new method to bandy the effects of steady current on the radiation problem with non-uniform flow in the nearfield is proposed.

这是一条小蛇,但极具毒性,在这个地方,人们都是穿着敞脚的草鞋,有的甚至打着赤脚去工作,几乎没有什么防护措施。The bandy is small but deadly and in an area where people work in an open sandals or even on barefoot, there is very little protection against been bitten.