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在一个台基或者支撑物上竖直地站。The urn stands on a pedestal.

葬礼结束后,我把骨灰盒带走了。Afterward, I take the urn with me.

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你可是等待几滴眼泪的一只骨灰瓮?A funereal urn awaiting a few tears?

他们将骨灰瓮埋在了公墓里。They buried the urn in the cemetery.

你知道这个瓮的用途吗?Do you know the purpose of this urn ?

朱诺,你在我的瓷缸呕吐过吗?Juno, did you by any chance barf in my urn?

让他的尸首去夸耀它的陋穴和骨灰瓮。His corse may boast its urn and narrow cave.

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让他们的尸首去炫耀坟穴和骨灰瓮。His corpse may boast its urn and narrow cave.

你有没有在我的缸子里呕吐过?Juno, did you by any chance barf in my urn? Juno.

农男孩被车撞的第二个瓮死于班富。The second urn of Nong Boy hit by a car died from Ban Phu.

把骨灰瓮埋在新泽西州伊丽莎伯布莱犹太人墓地。bury an urn in Elizabeth New Jersey, B'nai Israel Cemetery

在骨灰盒边上有一个画架,上面放着我母亲的大照片。A photograph of my mother sits on an easel next to the urn.

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瓮城的外面,还有一座城,叫做东罗城。Urn on the outside, as well as a city, called East Rochester.

我带着骨灰罐子上床,跟他说我这一天怎么过的。I take the urn to bed with me, and I talk to him about my day.

她将大咖啡壶放在桌子上,接上电源。She put the big hot coffee urn on the table and plugged it in.

前面的大厅是一个大金塔了形形色色黑玉。In front of the hall is a grand urn made of variegated dark jade.

内阁是克服了一套精心铸造金铜瓮顶尖。The cabinet is surmounted by a finely cast gilt bronze urn finial.

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内阁是克服了一套精心铸造金铜瓮顶尖。The cabinet is surmounted by a finely cast gilt bronze urn finial.

我带着骨灰盒走到礁石上坐下来,把它在自己身边放稳当。I carry the urn over to the rocks and sit down, balancing it beside me.

波利亚罐问题是概率论中的著名模型。The Polya urn problem is a famous model of wide application in probability.