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它是一座常年披著面纱的山,山上的雪终年不化。It is a mountain filled with snow perennially.

设定目标看起来是一个持续的热议话题。Goal setting seems to be a perennially hot topic!

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人的观点不停地被眼前的紧急形式所修正。They are perennially revised by the urgencies of the present.

我不需要你们的生日祝贺,因为神性是恒久处于极乐中的。I do not need your birthday greetings. The Divine is perennially in bliss.

换句话说,是为朝鲜长期存在的吃不上饭的平民感到焦虑的时候了。Time, in other words, to worry about North Korea's perennially hungry masses.

索马里,常年处于内战中,还要对抗恐怖分子“索马里青年党”。Somalia, perennially at war with itself and the terrorists al-Shabaab are based there.

峡谷地表有着覆盖几米厚冰的永冻湖。The valley’s flooroccasionally contains a perennially frozen lake with ice several metersthick.

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常年排名很高的苹果公司顾客服务是这一差异的例证。Apple's customer service, which is perennially ranked highly, is illustrative of the differences.

吴振伟在1998年首次当选,迄今已经在国会任职10年,并且始终是一位强有力的竞选人。After a razor-thin win in 1998, he has served for 10 years and is a perennially formidable candidate.

我们很快认识到主人公冯石“像很多富翁一样,”不断地债务缠身。We learn right away that the protagonist Feng Shi is, "like so many rich people," perennially in debt.

我们很快认识到主人公冯石“像很多富翁一样,”不断地债务缠身。We learn right away that the protagonist Feng Shi is, "like so many rich people, " perennially in debt.

涝渍地是易涝易渍耕地的简称,通常指常年或季节性滞水的农业用地。Waterlogged land is a kind of cultivation land which is easily logged with water seasonally or perennially.

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政治如同在无政府和专制统治之间摆荡的钟摆,其力量来自于不断更新的幻影。Politics is a pendulum whose swings between anarchy and tyranny are fueled by perennially rejuvenated illusions.

哺乳动物跑得不够快,无法逃过那些不断破坏土地的致命火灾。This slow-moving mammal cannot move quickly enough to escape the deadly fires which perennially ravage the land.

区内有终年积雪的山峰、苍翠繁茂的森林、宁静悠远的湖泊。In the reserve there are perennially snow-topped mountain peaks, verdant and lush forests and stretches of serene lakes.

刘野喜欢以儿童为主题,画中孩童通常是孤独一人,天真无邪的外表下,隐藏著超乎年龄的智慧。His subjects are often children, often standing in for himself, and appear as both perennially innocent and wise beyond their years.

在南极洲终年冰雪覆盖的霍尔湖,布满了泥沙的痕迹,这些泥沙由表面渐渐进入冰层中。Antarctica's perennially ice-covered Lake Hoare bears the scars of sand and dirt that have worked their way from the surface down into the ice.

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如今它的主要敌人是森林火灾,这种行动迟缓的哺乳动物跑得不够快,无法逃过那些不断破坏土地的致命火灾。Its main enemy today is forest fires. This slow-moving mammal cannot move quickly enough to escape the deadly fires which perennially ravage the land.

不过这也难怪,丘吉尔毕生的大部分时间都是刚摆脱现金危机,又陷入财务困境,常年无法偿付他供应商的账单。It is no wonder, then, that Churchill spent most of his life leaping from one cash flow crisis to another, being perennially behind with his suppliers' bills.

当然还有很多人批评德怀特因为魔术队在季后赛中的经常出现的低迷状态,这也许会拉他后腿--但是没有德怀特霍华德,那么魔术队绝对还是联盟中的一支烂队。People who criticize him for the Magic's perennially disappointing playoff runs have it backward -- without Howard, Orlando's roster is among the league's worst.