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这个王子高大魁伟。The prince is tall and stalwart.

这是怎样一棵伟岸的大树啊?What kind of a stalwart tree ah?

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智利仍然是一支经济劲旅。Chile remains an economic stalwart.

我们得到的现实电视伟岸的意见。We get the views of the reality TV stalwart.

后来终于有一个经理跑到这个健壮的黑人面前。Finally one of the managers bustled up to the stalwart darky.

我们的山峦和峡谷涌现好儿男。Our mountains and our valleys, they bring forth stalwart men.

人们推荐他的理由顶多是健美的身型和忠实的态度。At best he was commended for his athletic presence and stalwart demeanor.

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露娜.月牙是月神艾鲁恩坚定而又虔诚的信徒。Luna Moonfang is a stalwart and devout follower of the Moon Goddess, Elune.

但坚强的奥拉夫抵挡住了诱惑,因为他的心思全部都在可怜的奥黛丽身上。But the stalwart Olaf heeded them not, for his thoughts were all of little Audrey.

铁匠朝那个体格健壮的士兵瞥了一眼,在心里掂量了一番后,便嘟嘟囔囔地走开了。The blacksmith averaged the stalwart soldier, with a glance, and went muttering away.

男人个个又高又壮、气概如虹,而且腹肌都像搓板那样一棱一棱的。The men are bigger and more macho and more stalwart and all have uniform washboard abs.

难怪,这就经常发生伟岸的人被小小的狗追逐甚至伤害的故事!No wonder, this frequent stalwart little dog chasing a person is hurt or even the story!

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生存和发展都要靠侏儒和他的那些坚贞不渝的朋友们。Survival and new growth ultimately depend on one little hobbit and his stalwart friends.

革命以后,MEK是文职政权最坚实的支持者。After the revolution, MEK was amongst the most stalwart supporters of the clerical regime.

身著丁字裤的男孩是相扑选手吗?小力士们手握胸前,一副气势磅礡的模样。Are the boys in briefs sumo wrestlers? The little he-men with folded arms have a stalwart look.

“我不想杀了你,”希斯。莱吉尔扮演的精神变态者“小丑”对克利斯汀。贝尔扮演的坚毅的蝙蝠侠说。"I don't want to kill you, " Heath Ledger's psycho Joker tells Christian Bale's stalwart Batman.

作为英超豪门切尔西队的队长,特里的稳定表现使他成为接替贝克汉姆的热门人选之一。Terry's stalwart performances as Chelsea captain made him among the favourites to take over from Becks.

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掘金也希望他们的防守尖刀马丁能及时的在四月中旬回归以在季后赛发挥作用。The Nuggets also hope to have defensive stalwart Kenyon Martin back in mid-April in time for the playoffs.

全体尤文蒂尼向这名出生在坎帕尼亚,同时也是拉涅利队伍的基石的后卫球员致以生日祝福。Best wishes to the Campania-born defender, a stalwart by now of Ranieri's team, from all the Bianconeri fans.

柯达,摄影行业的长久中坚力量,在过去的数年间已经渐渐改变了他们做事的方式。Kodak, long a stalwart of the photography industry, has been tweaking its ways over the past couple of years.