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这我宁愿不愿骑车。I prefer waling to riding.

他沿着长长的河流走着。He is waling along the long river.

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那只猫猫从树后走了出来。The cat is waling from behind the tree.

他们竟那样地走进病房,好厚的脸皮!The cheek of them, waling into the ward like that!

那里,一个旅行者正沿着马路在走。At that moment a traveller was waling along the road.

昨天因为下大雨,所以我没去散步。Yesterday I didn't go waling because of the heavy rain.

步鱼不仅能离开水生存,甚至能在陆地上作短途旅行。Not only can waling fish live out of water, but they can also travel short distances over land.

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您甚至可以输入您的邮编来找到一位行走伙伴以及适合初学者的界面友好的当地路线图。You can even plug in your zip code to find a waling buddy and beginner-friendly local route maps.

如果此刻我能回到那儿,我会在这些门间穿行,身上就穿着那件奇妙的、带有魔力的大衣。And if I were there right now. I would picutre myself waling through those doors wearing my wonderful, magical coat.

介绍了武汉市某深基坑工程采用圆形围筒式支护的设计、施工及监测的全过程。The process of designing, construction and monitoring is introduced for a deep foundation pit with circle waling support in Wuhan area. The design principle is specially described.