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给了网队一个机会,而他们也不客气的“笑纳”了。Gave NJ a chance and they took it.

我建议您参加南京一日游。I'd suggest you take the one-day tour of NJ.

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图1基于控制区序列构建的沙鳅亚科的NJ树。NJ tree of Botiinae based on the control region.

该工作将在洛克希德·马丁的新泽西摩尔镇工厂进行。The work will be performed at Lockheed Martin's Moorestown, NJ facility.

该工作将在洛克希德·马丁的新泽西摩尔镇工厂进行。The work will be performed at Lockheed Martin’s Moorestown, NJ facility.

这辆车是2005年的时候从新泽西州Farmingdale镇Kelley一家手中购入。The actual car was bought from the Kelley family of Farmingdale, NJ in 2005.

对玛尔顿后,新泽西州愈合客房,所有的耳朵疼痛消失了数次访问。After several visits to the Marlton, NJ Healing Rooms, all the ear pain is gone.

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图1大石鸡种群线粒体控制区基因基于TN93的邻接树。Fig. 1 MtDNA control region NJ tree of A. magna based on TN93 genetic distances.

有一位迟到是因为在NJ收费公路发生了一起车祸而被堵在路上。One was late because of being stuck on the NJ Turnpike because of an auto accident.

用两种方法得到的系统发生树均支持将十指臂尾轮虫作为一个独立的支系分离出来。The NJ and MP trees showed that B. patulus was separated into an independent clade.

将面向武器装备系统IETM开发的需求过程模型应用到NJ系列减摇鳍IETM的开发。Finally, the model built above is applied to the development of IETM in NJ series fin.

第四集群和第五集群将会被安置在新泽西和伦敦,而不再是萨克拉门托。Clusters 4 and 5 are in the works and will be located in NJ and London, versus Sacramento.

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我记得当时卡斯特罗上台时,很多人开始离开古巴。I remember when Castro came into power andpeople started leaving Cuba, manyof them came to NJ.

2011年1月21日星期五,一名男子站在火车站月台上,这辆列车正经由新泽西州开往霍桑。A man stands on the platform as a NJ Transit train arrives in Hawthorne N. J. Friday Jan. 21 2011.

饲养者们给象龟宝宝起了一个中性名字NJ,因为龟宝宝的性别还需等待小龟生长几年后才能分辨出来。Keepers will not know if it is male or female for several years so have given it the unisex name NJ.

经过一个月在新泽西州跟首席化学师工作后,项目成功地转移到澳门。After one month working in NJ with the Lead Chemist, the process was transferred successfully to Macau.

国际航班到皇后区的肯尼迪国际机场或者新泽西的纽瓦克国际机场。International flights to New York may go to JFK International Airport in Queens or Newark Liberty International Airport in NJ.

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该作品用古都南京的历史文物来勾画英文字母“NJ”,从而表现出南京这个主题。With the theme of"Nanjing Nan-Jing, " this work uses historical artifacts from the Old City of Nanjing to from the English letters "NJ.

中国有子弹火车,而我们此时却不能在NJ建一条正常的火车隧道,谢谢共和党人,把我们送回了石器时代。China has bullet trains meanwhile we cant built an ordinary train tunnel in NJ. Thank you Republicans for driving us back to the stone age.

可是,只有离开了南京才会发现,其实,上海离我更远,心理上的距离没有办法拉近。Nevertheless, only the departure from NJ makes me realize that I'm far away from SH. The distance in my inner world can never be shortened.