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我不反对货到付款。I'm not opposed to COD.

爱之深,恨之切。Love is opposed to hate.

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形式是相对什么而言的?Form" as opposed to what?


他马上表示反对那个念法。He opposed the idea immediately.

他咒骂所有反对他的人。He execrated all who opposed him.

与古典音乐不同,as opposed to in classical music,

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大部分市民反对新税。Most citizens opposed the new tax.

她咒骂所有反对她的人。She execrated all who opposed her.

但他的妻子曹静云却反对这么做。But his wife Cao Jingyun was opposed.

他说,他反对黑人拥有公民权利。He said he opposed Negro citizenship.

他父母反对这门亲事。His parents are opposed to the match.

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他的提议遭到大多数成员的反对。His motion was opposed by most members.

我们反对建造那条汽车道。We opposed the building of the motorway.

我反对的存在农奴制。I am opposed to the existence of serfdom.

小组的主要爱色尼反对结婚。The main group of Essenes opposed marriage.

他所说的与事实完全相反。What he said was totally opposed to facts.

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我不赞成大吃一顿后做运动。I am opposed to exercising after a big meal.

他们顽固地反对弗洛伦斯和她的支持者们。They grimly opposed Florence and her allies.

这次反对这个政策的吹起了金喇叭。This time those who are opposed blow theirs.