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大多数湖泊是由冰川的作用形成的。Most lakes were formed of glacial action.

研究人员称其为“冰锯”。Researchers call it the glacial buzz-saw.

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研究人员称之为为“冰山锯”。Researchers call it the glacial buzz-saw.

冰蚀谷里的缆车,法国,1960年。Cable Cars in Glacial Valley, France, 1960

中的山隘覆满白雪,并分隔开所有队伍。A snowy pass separates teams in Glacial Ravine.

覆盖着冰或者受冰川作用的影响。Covered with ice or affected by glacial action.

冰川退缩的争论被过于简化了。The glacial retreat debate has been too simplified.

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桂林地区古冰川遗迹何在?。Where Are the Former Glacial Relics in Guilin Area ?

是典型的冰川期地质遗迹。They are typical geological remains from the Glacial Age.

别吃这么多冰的东西,当心吃坏肚子。Don't eat so many glacial things, beware of to eat bad belly.

新安装的地震仪将可监听冰河地震的声音。Newly installed seismometers will listen for glacial earthquakes.

这个冰川湖的一端是冰川的末端,另一端则是一排由冰川搬运来的沉积物和岩石累积而成的冰碛。This glacial lake is bound by the glacier snout on one end, and a

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某些U型冰川谷也可能起因于沉积作用。The U-shape of some glacial valleys may be due also to deposition.

它使用了眩目的、可折射冰状的动态冰雪效果。It uses dynamic ice effects for dazzling, refractive glacial forms.

比起平时冬季的那扇半开的门,那一年的门来得还更冻人些。It was a door even more glacial than that of winter which was ajar.

说明冰碛物可以用ESR技术进行测年。This shows the ESR technique may be applied to glacial till dating.

优势类群对冰、雪冰和雪环境具有一定的指示意义。Thus, the predominant species can indicate the glacial environment.

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印度北部的大部分新鲜水源都依赖冰川融水。Northern India relies on glacial run-off for much of its fresh water.

和大多数峡湾一样,阿拉斯加的基奈峡湾也是受冰川销蚀而形成。Like most fjords , the Kenai Fjords of Alaska formed by glacial carving.

他们靠着冰川融水灌溉,但冰川本身被宣告了死刑。They depend on glacial melt for irrigation, but the glaciers are doomed.