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你过着完美无罪的生活You lived a perfect sinless life

耶稣是纯净,无罪和圣洁的。Jesus was pure and sinless and holy.

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神的儿子耶稣基督是无罪的。Jesus Christ, God's Son, was sinless.

而且,作为神的儿子,祂是不能犯罪的。And He, the sinless Son of God, cannot sin.

是无酵,无罪和纯洁的生命。U is for Unlevened, a life sinless and pure.

耶稣自己虽然无罪,但仍受洗。Jesus himself, though sinless , was baptized.

他作为无罪的献祭代替了我们。He was a sinless sacrifice dying in our place.

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他知道你无法成为完美或不犯罪。He knows you are incapable of being perfect or sinless.

我劝你活得清白,我愿你死得安宁。I advise you to live sinless and I wish you to die tranquil.

因为他的圣洁降生,在思想、言语和行为方面都是无罪的。Because he is born holy, he is sinless in thought, word and deed.

但是我们仍然坚持教会是圣洁无罪的。And yet we insist that the Church in her essence is holy and sinless.

基督是无罪的,那么,他为什么认为他要受这样的洗呢?Christ was sinless , so why did He think He should be baptized in this way?

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他差派他无罪的儿子承担我们应该遭受的全部刑罚。He sent His sinless Son to bear the full brunt of the penalty we deserved to suffer.

基督教福音是建立在一个无罪的羔羊的身上。The whole Christian gospel of salvation was based upon a belief in a sinless sacrifice.

因为他的生命无罪,我们这些理当死亡的罪人才能被得救。Because of his sinless life , we , who are sinners and deserve only death , can be saved.

祂非从人的结合而来,祂成为那无罪的,因受神的灵感动而怀于马利亚肚内。He came the sinless One, generated in Mary's womb not by a human union but by God's Spirit.

耶稣,上帝的无罪之子,在十字架上牺牲并成为原罪的终极祭品。Jesus, the sinless Son of God, died on the cross and became the ultimate sacrifice for sin.

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没有一个背负罪恶的人可以活在无罪的上帝的面前,而且,他们必须要为罪恶付出代价。No one with sin can possibly live in the presence of a sinless God, and sin must be paid for.

这个糖果制造商用一种白色的混合物来象徵耶稣圣洁的出生和无罪的一生。The candy maker started with a pure white mixture to tell of Jesus' virgin birth and sinless life.

清白的纯洁灵魂,着迷于自己的幻像,经历了天堂的欢乐和地狱的痛苦。The sinless Pure Soul, hypnotised by Its own maya, experiences the joys of heaven and the pains of hell.