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良多公司对网络不屑一顾,以为那是一般民众的消遣。Many scorn the internet as a plaything for plebs.

这是相对玩具来说更舒服的物品。This is more of a comfort object than a plaything.

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因此他爱女人,那最危险的游戏。For this reason he loves woman, the most dangerous plaything.

因此,心智,头脑,不再是思想的一个玩物。So, the mind, the brain, is no longer a plaything of thought.

外界很少能有一个窗口看到金正日的国家玩物。It's not often you get a window into Kim Jong Il's country-sized plaything.

东方不败根本不把杨莲亭当人看,只是拿他当一个玩物。East dont hurt dont Yang Lianting when people look at, just take him as a plaything.

但是在山顶和山下的树林之间,狐狸妈妈丢掉了她的玩具。But somewhere between the top of the hill and the trees below, mother fox lost her plaything.

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把女人作为富有的玩物,打牌,他们不会花尽所有的钱去赎回你。The woman as a plaything of the rich, play cards, they do not spend all the money to redeem you.

一个小小的,惹人喜爱的娃娃,孩子们可以抱着。这是相对玩具来说更舒服的物品。A small, cuddly doll to snuggle with on long rides. This is more of a comfort object than a plaything.

第七个孩子是个男孩,这是对父母的祈祷和姐姐们准备的宠物与玩具的回报。The seventh child was a boy, the answer to his parents’ prayer, the pet and plaything of his elder sisters.

那么我们应该做些什么来阻止这些主题成为见不得人的公司利益的玩物呢?So what should we do to prevent these threads from becoming the plaything of undisclosed corporate interests?

同时也不理解体谅父母的劳累,如果我想要一个玩具,妈妈不同意买,我就会号啕大哭。I don't understand my parents tire, if I need a plaything and mother don't agree to buy for me. I certainly cry loudly.

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他非常爱他的妻子,不过,他对娜拉的看法跟娜拉的父亲非常相似,也就是说,都把她当作一个逗人的“娃娃”——一件玩物。He loved his wife dearly, but he regarded her very much AS her own father had seen her, AS an amusing doll --- a plaything.

这种意识仅出现在一个政府越来越向寡头政府靠拢,成为党内达官贵人手中玩物的时候。This sense can only grow in the face of a government that increasingly resembles an oligarchy, a plaything of party grandees.

这种意识仅出现在一个政府越来越向寡头政府靠拢,成为党内达官贵人手中玩物的时候。This sense can only grow in the face of a government that increasingly resembles an oligarchy, a plaything of party grandees.

你对可怜的格利列的态度使我决定要向你显示一下,有经验的男人玩你是很容易的。Your treatment of poor Greely made me determined to show you how easy it would be for a man of experience to make a plaything of you.

这一切看上去也许很不妥。公认的美国公路越野车王竟然被中国收购,一个自行车大行其道的国家。It might seem incongruous that a plaything for the unabashed American road warrior is shifting to a country where the bicycle once ruled.

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任何标有“1”、“2”或者“4”的玩具都是用一种叫做聚乙烯的塑料做的,用这种塑料做的玩具不含任何的BPA和邻苯二甲酸类物质,非常安全,你可以放心地把它带回家。Any of these numbers mean the plaything is made from polyethylene, a safe BPA- and phthalate-free plastic, making it a healthy toy to take home.

她拥有神授的力量来迫使他屈服,因为他更希望自己死去的时候是一个自由人,而非祭司的玩物,所以舍姆森扔掉了自己的武器。She had the god-given power to compel him and because he'd rather die a free-willed man than a priestess's plaything shemsen had thrown down his weapon.

从1999年初索尼公司宣布其第二代家庭视频游戏机即“玩家2”面市的那一刻起,就很清楚,“玩家2”将不仅仅是玩具。From the moment in early 1999 when Sony announced its second-generation home video game console, the Play-Station 2, it was clear this would no mere plaything.