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每有一个渥夫朗,就有100个卡特。For every Stephen Wolfram there are 100 James Carters.

沃夫朗预计将在一项活动中演说,而届时他正是让QB机器人当自己的替身。Slated to give a talk at an event, Wolfram had a QB stand in forhim.

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本文研究了用过氧化氢溶样后采用ICP-AES测定钨丝中杂质的方法。The method for the determination of Ni, Ca, Mg and Cu in wolfram wire by ICP-AES was studied.

我们也希望Wolfram能找到一个把其他更多数据和搜索结果连接起来的方法。We also hope that Wolfram will find a way to link more of the data and search results together.

随后,在1991年数学软件发行了第二版,Wolfram开始将自己的时间分割开来,分别给数学发展和科学研究。In 1991, Wolfram began to divide his time between Mathematica development and scientific research.

沃尔夫勒姆也提到,团队也会给用户提供更多的选项,让其参与到这个项目中来。Wolfram also mentions that the team plans to give users more options to get actively involved in the project.

总之,无论您的问题是同科学、数学、语言或历史有关的,Wolfram都有望回答你。In short, whether your question is science, math, language, or history related, Wolfram likely has an answer for you.

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松江矽卡岩型铜、、、多金属矿床是一个中等规模、伏的矽卡岩型矿床。The copper, lead, zinc wolfram and molybdenum multimetal deposit in songjiang is a middle-sized buried skarn deposit.

沃尔弗拉姆阿尔法会告诉你下一次日全食将抵达旧金山,并在最后一个时发生。Wolfram Alpha will show you when the next solar eclipse will arrive over San Francisco and when the last one occurred.

起初,我想知道如果沃尔弗拉姆阿尔法有一些不好的数据或擦洗了硬年红袜在过去几十年一对夫妇。At first I wondered if Wolfram Alpha had some poorly scrubbed data or the Red Sox had a couple hard years in the last few decades.

在1981年晚些时后,Wolfram又宣布了新方向的科学研究目标——理解的复杂性起源。Late in 1981 Wolfram then set out on an ambitious new direction in science aimed at understanding the origins of complexity in nature.

钨矿浮选研究始终是围绕着提高捕收剂选择性和强化抑制剂的高效性两个中心来进行的。To elevate the selectivity of collector and to strengthen the efficiency of depressor is the two keypoint of wolfram minerals recovery.

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关于Alpha这个名字,沃尔弗拉姆将它看作是一个长达十年的建立一个可以计算所有人类知识的长期项目的开始。As for the name “Alpha,” Wolfram sees this as the start of a decades-long project to build a system that can compute all human knowledge.

为回馈沃尔弗莱姆在物理学方面和计算机计算方面的早期成就,1981年沃尔弗莱姆被授予麦克阿瑟学术奖。In recognition of his early work in physics and computing, Wolfram became in 1981 the youngest recipient of a MacArthur Prize Fellowship.

沃尔弗拉姆阿尔法将显示该很容易找到,如雅虎财经网站大量的财务数据,但它超越了几步,太。Wolfram Alpha will show plenty of financial data that's easy to find on sites such as Yahoo Finance, but it goes a few steps beyond, too.

沃尔弗拉姆阿尔法的公共发射是在两个星期后到期,但我已经把它的步伐,通过一个网站的沃尔夫勒姆研究预览版本。Wolfram Alpha's public launch is due in a couple weeks, but I've been putting a preview version of the Wolfram Research site through its paces.

不知道有多少你的入门级工资从你的第一份工作是在今天的美元计算,只要你对通货膨胀的帐户?沃尔弗拉姆阿尔法可以告诉你。Wonder how much your entry-level pay from your first job would be in today's dollars, once you account for inflation? Wolfram Alpha can tell you.

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采用汞膜电极、钨电极的配位滴定法,以EDTA、铅为标准溶液,连续测定镀铜锡电解液中的铜、锡及焦磷酸盐、正磷酸盐的含量。Coordination titration is used with mercury membrane electrode and wolfram as working and reference electrodes. Standard solution consists of EDTA, plumbum.

Wolfram把自己的理论运用到发展一个新的随机生成系统和方法计算液体动力学——两者都是现今最普及的理论。Wolfram himself used his ideas to develop a new randomness generation system and a new approach to computational fluid dynamics—both of which are now in widespread use.

泰勒说,将这一技术用于人类时,心脏的组织框架可以从人的尸体或者猪身上获得。Wolfram Zimmermann, a tissue engineer at the University Hospital in Hamburg, Germany, calls the approach exciting but cautions that it's a long way from being ready for use in people.