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原子核的电荷量是多少?What is the charge of the nucleus?

在原子的中心有原于核。The atom has a nucleus at its core.

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在原子的中心有一个原子核。The atom has a nucleus at its core.

在原子的中心有唯一原于核。The atom have a nucleus at its core.

为发挥党支部的核。To develop the nucleus of Party branch.

所有的电子会掉在核上面。All the electrons fall into the nucleus.

一颗彗星的核儿几乎就是一颗货真价实的星星。The nucleus of a comet is almost a star.

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一个核可以仅有一个Y染色体。A nucleus can have only one Y-chromosome.

那么氦原子核的电荷量是多少呢?So what is the charge on a helium nucleus?

彗核内可能有一个小的石质核心。The nucleus might have a small rocky core.

这是锂原子核加上一个电子。This is the lithium nucleus plus electron.

我们有一个氦核和一个电子。We have a helium nucleus and one electron.

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导管上皮细胞核和腺泡细胞则为阴性。The nucleus and acinar cells were negative.

头部由顶体与细胞核构成。The head is composed of acrosome and nucleus.

对于氯,它的原子核里有17个质子。And, here, I've got 17 protons in the nucleus.

假定B是核的横截面积。B is the assumed cross-section of the nucleus.

但是我知道它的原子核中有11个质子。But, I've got a nucleus with 11 protons in it.

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中心有个带正电的原子核。It has a nucleus at the center charged positively.

微管以核周为主。Numerous microtubules gathered around the nucleus.

胞核呈空泡状阴性反应。Nucleus showed negative reaction and empty caveola.