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你就是这儿的主攻队员,凯尔茜。You’re the playmaker here, Kelsi.

这名球员上赛季从巴塞罗那加盟,然后被租借到了普利亚。The playmaker who joined last year from Barcellona, moved to Puglia on loan.

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当托蒂不在的时候,他可以让卡萨洛打前腰或者前锋。He can always play Cassano as the playmaker or forward in the event that Totti leaves.

他们正在争取中场组织者莫德里奇和前锋克劳奇的恢复。They are also sweating on the fitness of playmaker Luka Modric and striker Peter Crouch.

波尔多俱乐部坚称他们没必要在今年夏天卖掉队内的进攻核心古尔库夫。Bordeaux have insisted they do not have to sell key playmaker Yoann Gourcuff this summer.

去年的金球奖得主、巴塞罗那俱乐部前锋罗纳尔迪尼奥今年以73分位居第四。FC Barcelona playmaker Ronaldinho, who won the award last year, was fourth with 73 points.

巴西球星在与热那亚的比赛中独进两球为周五的比赛做好了准备。The Brazil playmaker warmed up for Friday's encounter with two goals in the success over Genoa.

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埃弗顿中场由于伤病已经远离球员近乎一年,但是最近他已经伤愈归队。The Blues playmaker had been out injured for a year but recently returned to David Moyes' squad.

皇马以一纸为期6年的合同从AC米兰签下了巴西中场组织核心卡卡。Real Madrid have completed the signing of Brazilian playmaker Kaka from AC Milan on a six-year deal.

他的职业生涯在00-01赛季随着佩鲁贾升入甲级联赛产生了飞跃,在那年,他一跃成为一名出色的中场组织者。His big break came with Perugia during the 2000-01 Serie A campaign where he excelled as a playmaker.

据悉,巴乔在电话中向足协主席阿贝特表达了自己愿意出山的意向。And the former playmaker gave his availability to FA chief Giancarlo Abete during an informal phone call.

巴西中场核心卡卡表示巴西若要夺冠,还需要得到一些“上头”的帮助。Brazilian playmaker Kaka admits Brazil may need a little help from above if they are to win the World Cup.

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他场均19分7篮板,是他们的二号得分手甚至前场进攻组织者。He's their No. 2 scorer with 19 points a game while adding seven rebounds and serving as a frontcourt playmaker.

这位出色的组织者在终场前8分钟爆发,把球传入小禁区。The sprightly playmaker then burst through eight minutes from the end and stabbed a ball across the six-yard box.

曼联已经倾尽全力打算为韦斯利·斯内德做最后一搏,尝试在最后时刻引进荷兰的中场指挥官。United are prepared to sweat it out over Wesley Sneijder and make one final late swoop to land the Dutch playmaker.

才华-如果你的组织核心能够在摧毁对方防线时炫耀技巧总是好的。Flair- It's allways good if your playmaker can do tricks and show off while there destroying the opposition defence.

据米兰体育报报道米兰正在考虑引进西汉姆联队的前腰亚历桑德罗。迪亚曼迪。Milan are considering a bid for West Ham United playmaker Alessandro Diamanti, according to Il Corriere dello Sport.

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谈到墨菲,富勒姆主帅桑切斯非常开心可以签下这名进攻球员。Reflecting on the capture of Murphy, Fulham manager Lawrie Sanchez was clearly pleased to have signed the playmaker.

刚刚过去的赛季中,这位小个子球员被租借到恩波利队,他为托斯卡球队出场35次,并打进6球。The pint-seized playmaker has spent the season on loan with Empoli, scoring 6 goals in 35 appearances for the Tuscans.

根据经纪人的说法,利物浦的中场转会目标阿尔达·图兰准备在这个夏季离开加拉塔萨雷。Liverpool playmaker target Arda Turan appears poised for a Galatasaray exit this summer, according to the player's agent.