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“是的。”一个士兵回答。Yes, " replied a gendarme ."

一个宪兵正在院子里踱步。A gendarme was crossing the court.

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托马斯。伯恩哈德回忆起他曾扮演过一个警官。Thomas Bernhard recalls playing the part of a gendarme.

有一个法警拿了一盏灯来,那上面确有这个日期。A gendarme held a light close to it, there was the date.

“不准开口!”一个警察说,“这是主教先生。”Silence! " said the gendarme. "He is Monseigneur the Bishop. "

我们碰到了木板,看到的宪兵在马背上远去。We run up the plank and saw the gendarme on horseback behind us.

正在他工作时,有个警察走过,注意到他,便向他要证件。While he was at work, a gendarme passed, observed him, and demanded his papers.

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当时有一件事使我特别惊讶,那就是审问的时候宪兵军官递给我一支烟。What struck me most at the time was that the gendarme officer who examined me offered me a cigarette.

快到中午时,管我的宪兵通过翻译告诉我,我可以回家,但是第二天早晨必须回到这里。About noon my Japanese gendarme told me through an interpreter that I was to go home but was to come back, the next morning.

后期的伽达默尔哲学为实现解释学的普遍性,以理解本体论为基础转向了实践哲学,为理论上的存在找到了现实世界的落脚点。Gendarme later in order to achieve the universality of hermeneutics turned to practical philosophy in order to find the keystone of the real world for the theoretical being.

在北约的存在受到欧洲国家越来越多质疑的情况下,美国正大力拼凑“亚洲北约”,以期使之成为其充当“世界宪兵”的工具。NATO's presence in more and more European countries by the challenge, the United States is vigorously put together "Asian NATO", in order to make it act as a "world gendarme" tool.

俄罗斯再次让人们看到它的真面目,那就是,它渴望在国际关系中充当警察,而不想成为国际社会中受到尊重的杰出一员。Russia showed once again its real face, that it preferred to be the gendarme in international relations and not to be a distinguished member of the international community that will be respected.

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与此同时,安德烈所注意到的那第一个宪兵已跟着警察局的执事官走上楼来,第二个宪兵仍守着楼梯,第三个宪兵仍守在大门口。Andrea had noticed walked up-stairs, preceded by the commissary of police, and supported by the second gendarme who guarded the staircase and was himself re-enforced by the one stationed at the door.