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当时粮食奇缺。There was a critical shortage of food.

一些公司也面临着专门人才的短缺。Some also face a shortage of expertise.

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哈里在食物缺乏时逃亡了。Harry deserted during the food shortage.

在电网输送过程中造成了较大的无功功率缺额。Then it leads to lots of reactive shortage.

科林将不会缺少保姆。Coleen will have no shortage of babysitters.

在圣三一学院从不缺少舞会。There is no shortage of partying at Trinity.

为什么需要报告少钱或多钱?Why do I need to report shortage or overage?

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米荒还要继续多久啊,尤塞夫?。How long will the rice shortage go on, Yusef?

而“‘民工荒’既是机遇,也是挑战。”Shortage is both opportunities and challenges.

短少按照有关条款处理。Shortage to be settled as per relevant clause.

但是为什么当时的耕地会短缺呢And why should there be a shortage of farmland?

我们发现每箱重量都短少。We find that the case shows a shortage in weight.

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我们发现每箱重量都短少。We found that the case show a shortage in weight.

石油短缺很有可能迫使价格上涨。The shortage of oil will probably drive prices up.

水稻歉收是由于缺雨。The shortage of rice was credited to lack of rain.

这使师资匮乏的问题更为严重。This makes the teacher shortage even more critical.

天然气的严重缺乏使许多家工厂都停工了。A severe natural gas shortage shut down many plants.

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短缺并未严重到你报道的那种程度。The shortage do not ist to the tent that you report.

制度的不足是其根本原因。The shortage of the ystem is the fundamental reason.

他总是叹息研究经费不足。He always bemoans the shortage of funds for research.