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我们也没有拉美裔大法官。We do not have an Hispanic.

我是班上唯一的拉美学生。I was the only Hispanic student.

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您是否为西裔或拉丁裔?Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin?

多数是黑人或西班牙裔。The majority were either black or Hispanic.

这个城市里有很多黑种人和西班牙人。The city has large black and Hispanic populations.

2004年,他赢得百分之40多拉美裔选票。He won more than 40-percent of the Hispanic vote in 2004.

和来自温斯顿-塞勒姆地区的拉美裔人群。on campus with Hispanic community in Winston- Salem area.

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那就是来自温斯顿-塞勒姆的拉美裔人群不断增加,Winston- Salem is, has a large growing Hispanic population,

我们会将他们与有需要帮助的拉美裔家庭结对,So we would pair off students with Hispanic families in need,

警察说,一名22岁西班牙男子中弹身亡。A 22-year-old Hispanic man died of gunshot wounds, police said.

西班牙和葡萄牙裔的女孩肥胖率自2005年以后趋于平稳。Among Hispanic girls, the rate of obesity leveled out after 2005.

白人和亚洲人超过了非洲裔和西班牙裔学生。Whites and Asians outpaced African-American and Hispanic students.

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雅梅·法雷尔,一位身材娇小的拉美裔年轻女子,拿出一份打印资料。Jamey Farrell, a petite young Hispanic woman, displayed a printout.

嗯,这本书是西班牙的故事,对吧?所以你严禁用亚洲的风格来画!Well the book is a hispanic book right? So you mustn't use asian style!

有蛛网纹身的西班牙男人拿着刀站在门口。The HISPANIC SPIDERWEB MAN was standing behind the door holding a knife.

他是少数经营美国大公司的美籍西班牙人之一。He is one of very few Hispanic people to have run a major US corporation.

但在南图森西班牙裔社区,态度是不同的在地方慈善机构。But in the Hispanic neighborhood of South Tucson, attitudes are different.

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在米申区,有很多墨西哥或者西班牙移民。you've got the Mission with a lot of Mexican or other Hispanic immigrants.

西语裔的参议员和州长更是凤毛麟角。Hispanic senators have been few and far between, as have Hispanic governors.

一个常见的爱尔兰名字,还有许多西裔名字。McGee, just went through an Irish name, a lot of Hispanic names going through.