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斯德哥尔摩群岛上露出地面岩层的野营。Camping on a rocky outcrop in Stockholm Archipelag.

后期又由于仰冲推覆,最终出露地表。At last, it obducted and thrusted to outcrop on the surface.

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主铬铁岩矿层及麦仑斯基矿层出露不好。The Main Chromitite Seam and the Merensky Reef do not outcrop well.

奥灰水通过基岩隐伏露头侧向补给矿井。O groundwater recharges the mine through buried outcrop of bedrock laterally.

化石发现的地点是马萨诸塞州阿特波罗北部一个露出地面的岩层。The team found the fossil in a rock outcrop in North Attleboro, Massachusetts.

鹰角石?你是说一块岩石?哦,我明白了。很显然是一块基石的露头。Eagle Rock? A rock, you say? Oh, I see. It's obviously an outcrop of base rock.

耐克特先生在泥沼旁找寻化石时发现了一块感觉会有化石的外露石块。Mr. Knecht was searching for fossils near a swamp and found a promising rock outcrop.

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他站在一块露出海面的高高的黑色岩石上,海浪在他脚下翻滚,泛起泡沫。He was standing upon a high outcrop of dark rock, water foaming and churning below him.

他猛灌一口水,指向东方不远处,一座灰色大山的尖端。He takes a swig of water, then points to a towering outcrop of gray rock just to the east.

到第三系时期晚期,这片区域已经演变成为现在不同的一种露头模式。By the end of Tertiary time the area have evolved an outcrop pattern not unlike the present.

但那天在安顿结束以后,趁着还有一丝光亮,所有人都冲到了化石发掘地。But with a little light left at the end of that first day, everyone rushed back to the outcrop.

Henriksholm旅馆在哥德堡以北两小时车程的地方,坐落在安妮曼湖中央的岛上,有100英亩大小。Henriksholm is a 100-hectare outcrop in the middle of Lake ?nimmen, two hours north of Gothenburg.

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一组的南部海狮懒散在一处岩石的露头在塔克岛智利火地岛之外。A group of southern sea lions lazes on a rocky outcrop off Tucker Island in Chilean Tierra del Fuego.

他们没有在沙滩上造,他们是在海里靠近海滩的一个岩石上造了一座庙。They didn't build a temple on a beach, the temple was built on a rocky outcrop in the sea near the beach.

同时余可非感觉找到了自我,但抑郁症的征兆也偶有露头。At the same time, more than Kefei found a sense of self, but also occasionally outcrop signs of depression.

接着来看另一所寺庙——宗西寺,它坐落在主街旁那片石崖上。Looking down on the other temples is Wat Chom Si, which perches on a rocky outcrop next to the main street.

渗入淋滤水分布于背斜露头区和浅部地区,受静水压力驱动控制。The latter is located in anticlinal outcrop zones and shallow zones, and driven by static hydraulic pressure.

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日本认为韩国占领的礁岩独岛是日本领土,而中国宣称对日本占领的钓鱼岛拥有主权。Japan contests Dokdo, a rocky outcrop controlled by South Korea, while China claims the Senkaku, held by Japan.

班堡城堡在诺森伯兰郡,坐落在火山顶端俯瞰北海,在并列第八位。Bamburgh Castle, in Northumberland, which sits on a volcanic outcrop overlooking the North Sea, was in joint eighth place.

张八岭构造带是大别造山带的一部分,是造山带中上地壳出露地区。The Zhangbaling tectonic belt is a part of the Dabie orogenic belt and an outcrop area of the mid-upper crust of the belt.