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对他的不良行为,似乎没有完完全全的根治方法。There seems no be-all-end-all cure for his misbehavior.

因为调皮,母亲把他关在房里两个小时。His mother confined him to his room for two hours for his misbehavior.

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他禁止一切的暴力和反对任何种类的不文明。It forbids all kinds of violence and disapproves any kind of misbehavior.

那怎样来判断你孩子的行为问题是因为具有某种天赋?So how can you tell whether your child's misbehavior is due to giftedness?

那所大学里学生的所有越轨行为都受到了处罚。All that misbehavior of those students should be punished in that universiry.

而且,你知道,我不会美化任何不当的举动。And, you know, I don't glorify any kind of misbehavior or misuse of anything.

——从短期来看,是有效果,打手心、打屁股可以立即纠正孩子的错误行为。You can correct immediate misbehavior with a slap or two on the rear-end or hand.

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如果不良行为继续发生,纸条就要被收上来交到行政处。If the misbehavior continues, the slip will be collected and turned into the office.

这些被认为是行为不端的孩子有时会被建议跳级。Misbehavior in the classroom can sometimes indicate that grade-skipping could be in order.

几乎可以绝对的说,一些学校的不正当行为已经激发起了骚动和不满。It is almost absolutely correct that schools' misbehavior gave rise to seditions and agony.

这些竞争带来了一系列社会问题,竞争失范就是其中比较突出的问题。These competitions bring a series of social problems, one of which is competition misbehavior.

如果你将来想表达品行不端这个意思,那么请看看下列语句。So, take a look at the following words if you want to describe misbehavior like this in future.

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——从短期来看,是有效果,打手心、打屁股可以立即纠正孩子的错误行为。In the short term, yes. You can correct immediate misbehavior with a slap or two on the rear end or hand.

——从短期来看,是有效果,打手心、打屁股可以立即纠正孩子的错误行为。In the short term, yes. You can correct immediate misbehavior with a slap or two on the rear-end or hand.

信任链则是信任传递的机制。常常采用密码技术。In TCG systems roots of trust are components that must be trusted because misbehavior might not be detected.

民主党策略师雷说,女政治家若行为不端将受到比男性更为严厉的惩罚。Celinda Lake, a Democratic strategist, says women politicians are punished more harshly than men for misbehavior.

作为父母,面对孩子的不良行为或情绪爆发,我们自己常常做出过激反应。As parents we often react to your child’s misbehavior or emotional outburst by an emotional overreaction ourselves.

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请务必注意违反原则,并不一定导致运行时异常或不良行为。It's important to note that violating the principle doesn't necessarily result in a runtime exception or misbehavior.

我自己也是一位母亲,我明白从每日新闻里看到那些10几岁的年轻人行为不端是件多么让人沮丧的事情。A mother myself, I understand how easy it is to be discouraged by the almost daily news reports of youthful misbehavior.

山德曼警告不要强调当时的客观因素,而要强调自己当时确实做错了,也不要为自己做的事情过分辩护。Sandman cautions against emphasizing the circumstances more than the misbehavior or implying that they justify what you did.