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这真是讽刺。There's an irony.

还有比这更讽刺的吗?The irony in all this?

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这是具有讽刺意味的。That’s the irony of this.

反讽与言后之果。Irony and Perlocutionary Effect.

那段话有点尖刻的讽刺味。That’s sort of a poignant irony.

这是对米丝一生的最后嘲讽。It was the final irony of Missy's life.

反语是一种常用的修辞格。Irony is an often used figure of speech.

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这是一个有趣的讽刺。And there's an interesting irony to this.

希望大自然的力量甚于反话。Hopefully Mother Nature appreciates irony.

美林公司的巴瑞女士看到了这一点。Ms. Barry of Merrill Lynch sees the irony.

他停顿一下,以便让大家领会其中的讽刺意味。He paused to let the irony of this sink in.

这些实验藏着令人心酸的讽刺。This is the sad irony in these experiments.

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增进对幽默和讽刺效果的感悟力。Deepen our understanding of humor and irony.

讽刺的是我痛恨移动电话。P.S. The irony is that I hate mobile phones.

缐谁苍白了我的等待,讽刺了我的执着。Who pale I wait, the irony of my dedication.

真是一幅精美绝伦的讽刺面纱。Such a beautifully embroidered veil of irony.

讽刺的是,它的人文主义人性。The irony of humanism is that it dehumanizes.

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大部分的讽刺都很容易理解。It's very easy to pick up most forms of irony.

影片从头到尾贯穿着讽刺韵调。There is a constant irony throughout the film.

但是即使有些讽刺意味,在反垄断主义中也是没有用武之地的。Still, irony has no place in antitrust doctrine.