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这个请求被毫不客气地拒绝了。The request was curtly refused.

我简慢地驳回了这一抗议。I curtly dismissed this protest.

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千万不要因为自己已经到了结婚年龄而草率结婚。Don't get married curtly as you get the age.

“斯内普。”经过他身边时,她简单地招呼了一声。"Snape, " she said curtly as she passed him.

上尉还在那里像先前一样三言两语地恳求着。There was the captain curtly pleading as before.

千万不要因为自己已经到了结婚年龄而草率结婚。Don't get married curtly even if you get the age.

有些东西已经变了,他对他们简短地说。There have been some changes, he said to them curtly.

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最近看帖子总是云里雾里的,在下的小脑袋瓜子都给弄疼极啦!Recently, I read the posts curtly , so my brain is so pain!

因为爱,忧郁的顾小北草率地同意了分手。Because love, blue Gu Xiaobei agreed curtly to part company.

他那群人看到什么事也没出现,直截了当就抛弃了他。Seeing that nothing actually happened, his flock curtly deserted him.

劳拉还没来得及,他就楞楞敲门进去了。Before Nora had time to reach, he knocked curtly on the door and was admitted.

如果雇员对于他们的工作不感兴趣的话,他们可能就会草率地对待工作。If employees are not interested in their jobs they might just treat it curtly.

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有时候假消息自己也是新闻,生硬地删掉也不妥。Occasionally false him information also is news, expunge curtly inappropriate also.

“我没跟他交流过,所以不知道他对此的解释是什么。”切赫简单地回答道。"I haven't spoken to him so I don't know what is his explanation, " Cech replies curtly.

无论如何,中国拒绝了此提案,声称重新回到了“计划经济时代”。China curtly dismissed the proposal anyway, saying it harked back "to the days of planned economies".

在软件方面,介绍了主程序的流程图及各部分电路的编程方法。In the software aspect, it curtly introduces flow chart of main program and the programming method of all ports of circuit.

但是,我们不能片面地、不加分析地就此作结论,说诗歌翻译只具有艺术性。However, it is not advisable to one_sidedly and curtly make a conclusion that poetry translating only has artistic character.

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奥根塔勒42秒钟的独白。狼堡教练问了自己四个简短的问题,草草答完,便扬长而去。几星期过后,他被炒了。Klaus Augenthaler's 42-second monologue. The Wolfsburg manager asked himself four short questions, answered curtly and then wandered off. A few weeks later, he got fired.

星期六早上我提醒我舅舅,晚上我要去集市。On Saturday morning I reminded my uncle that I wished to go to the bazaar in the evening. He was fussing at the hallstand, looking for the hat-brush, and answered me curtly