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当然,混杂状态是有风险的。To be sure, hybridity poses risks.

这就是韩国文化的“混性”特征。Because of the"hybridity"characteristic of the South Korean culture.

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翻译中,常常会出现两种语言文化的“杂合”现象。In the process of translation, there are always the cases of cultural hybridity.

正是通过自我的混杂,教师才可能重塑完整的自我认同。It is by this hybridity that teachers are able to reclaim the wholeness of their lives.

“杂合”现象存在于自然科学和社会科学的许多领域中。The phenomenon of hybridity exists in many fields of natural sciences and social sciences.

近年来,杂合概念也逐渐成为译界的热门话题。In recent years, the concept of hybridity has become a hot topic in the translation studies.

本文尝试以后殖民理论中的文化杂和理论对这篇小说进行解读。This thesis is a tentative study of the novel from the postcolonial perspective with the theory of hybridity.

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因此,将“杂合”概念引入到英语文学汉译的研究中来是非常合适的。Therefore, it is quite proper to introduce the concept of "hybridity" into the study of literary translations.

译文杂合程度受权力话语和跨丈化交际效果的制约。The degree of hybridity is conditioned by the power of discourse and the effects of cross-cultural communication.

第二章与第三章分别从文化与风格两个方面阐述、分析、论证拉什迪的“杂交性”。Chapter Two and Chapter Three are devoted to Rushdie's cultural and stylistic hybridity from three aspects respectively.

杂糅是边缘人对殖民主义和欧美主流文化霸权的一种抵制。Hybridity , for the marginalized people, is a way of cultural resistance to colonialism and the Western cultural domain.

以语言、文化杂合为特征的飞散文学的出现,给翻译带来了前所未有的挑战。The emergence of diasporic literature with features of linguistic and cultural hybridity has posed a great challenge to translation.

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此外,后殖民翻译研究中的杂合理论也从一定程度上为翻译研究的原型观提供了佐证。Moreover, research on hybridity in postcolonial translation studies in a certain sense also support the prototypical view of translation.

的文化抵制概念和巴巴的杂糅理论对威利的身份重建进行论述。Chapter five presents Willie's reconstruction of his identity based on Said's concept of cultural resistance and Bhabha's theory of hybridity.

因此有必要思考翻译的场所论效应,而如果翻译假定著文本之根源性时,也有必要注意到场所的多样性。I propose to reflect on the topological effect in translation, and to notice on the originality of text by the measure of the hybridity of places.

第四章分析了他者形象,模仿,与身份认同之间的关系以及其循环过程,并认为模仿是杂合身份形成的重要原因。Chapter Four discusses the relationship of the image of the other, mimicry and identity and infers that mimicry is an important reason of hybridity.

在纷乱杂糅的忙碌之中,来不及整理旅途的心情,那些让人心动的美好与片断被无奈地搁置一旁。In the chaotic hybridity into the busy, no time to organize travel the feelings of those beautiful people tempting frustration with the piece was put aside.

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这就是将中国当代艺术文化导向复合性的实用主义和其哲学、美学副产物。It is the pragmatism and its philosophical and aesthetic by-products that have oriented contemporary Chinese art and culture toward a direction of hybridity.

在翻译华裔美国文学作品时,再现原文的杂合性或通过创造性翻译加深读者对原文杂合性的理解则至关重要。Referring to the Chinese American literature, the creative translation should represent the cultural hybridity and help the readers understand the hybridity.

因此,结合翻译和身份、杂合和嬗变等棘手问题来研究文化移入的过程成为必然。Thus, it is necessary to study the process of acculturation with regard to translation and tackles related questions of identity, hybridity and metamorphosis.