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但penultimate并不意味着第二最好的。But penultimate doesn't mean second-best.

到达终点的前一天,我们在哈巴罗夫斯克停留。On the penultimate day, we stopped at Khabarovsk.

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为-1,则结果为前一月的倒数第二天。Day is -1, the result is the penultimate day of the previous month.

倒数第二个字段包含最后一次修改的时间戳。The penultimate field contains the timestamp of the last modification.

应用题的倒数第二题得数算错了。Application of the theme of the penultimate question Deshu counted wrong.

第二盘的倒数第二局中赫内希觅得一次破发的机会。Hernych did create a break point in the penultimate game of the second set.

是苏格兰阿伯丁大学校监,曾任香港总督。Is the Chancellor of the University of Aberdeen and the penultimate Governor of Hong Kong.

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在我们探险结束的前一天,我们乘渡船离开了爱德华王子岛,到这时我们还没有见到任何的熊或麋鹿。On the penultimate day of our adventure, after leaving PEI by ferry, we hadn't seen either.

竹子对于绿色运动的倒数第二个最高贡献就是竹制棺材。The penultimate culmination of bamboo’s contribution to the green movement is bamboo caskets.

其中一人的倒数第二场比赛是本赛季在客场2-2战平国际米兰与锡耶纳。One of those games was the penultimate match of the season where the Nerazzurri drew 2-2 with Siena.

用不同的多链节效应模型对共聚物的序列分布进行了拟合。The distributions of norbornene centered pentads were simulated with terminal and penultimate effect models.

此次飞行后“奋进”号将宣布退役,这也是美国航天飞机倒数第二次飞行。After the flight, "Endeavor" to announce his retirement, which is the penultimate U. S. space shuttle flight.

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发现号的升空是明年前半年航天飞机机队退役前的倒数第二次发射。The Discovery lift-off is planned to be the penultimate launch before the shuttle fleet retires early next year.

切尔西青年队在哈林顿的倒数第二个主场比赛中遗憾地与MK顿兹踢成1-1平局。Chelsea Youth play MK Dons at Harlington in the penultimate home game of the season and disappointingly draw 1-1.

在临近我们倒数第二个版本时,我们决定将团队平均划分为更小的组。The decision was made to divide the team into smaller equally sized sub teams near the end of our penultimate release.

小乔联赛出场11次仅攻入1球,即在霍二执教下战胜博尔顿的比赛。Cole has scored just one goal in 11 league appearances, the winner against Bolton in Hodgson's penultimate game in charge.

以仿效大自然的设计为基础,朴门永续设计也融合了其他的设计系统。Permaculture was created through the synthesis of many design systems, with the emphasis on nature as the penultimate one.

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不过,奥古斯丁说,从一个有限的、神的护理和次一级的意义来说,它仍然可以被当作公共的福祉。Nevertheless, Augustine argues, it can still be considered a commonwealth in a limited, provisional, and penultimate sense.

我们从斯特家得知,这是辛德勒写下的倒数第二份名单,这是大事记中难以置信的一部分。We know from the Stern family that this is the penultimate list that Schindler wrote and is an incredible piece of memorabilia.

下周末主场和乌迪内斯的意甲比赛将是米兰本赛季最后一场主场比赛,同时也是向亚利山德罗·科斯塔库塔告别的机会。Milan's match with Udinese next Saturday at 6pm CET will be the final home game of the season and the penultimate fixture of the Serie A campaign.