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生物统计学已经广泛运用于临床数据的分析上面。Biostatistics is widely used on clinical data's analysis.

最后,探讨了FNIRS在疾病诊断方面的应用。Finally, we apply FNIRS for disease detection with Biostatistics method.

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而近年则著重于有关统计在牙医学应用之研究。Biostatistics focuses on the application of statistics to biomedical data.

污染数据回归模型是生物统计中常用的模型。The regression model for contaminated data is a useful model in biostatistics.

用生物统计学方法,对春小麦早熟性的遗传规律进行了研究。We studied the genetic law of prematurity in spring wheat by using biostatistics method.

有临床试验及统计学相关知识者犹佳。Knowledge of clinical study, biostatistics while not required will be highly appreciated.

在分子生物学和生物统计学领域中具有很强背景的一个生物信息学专家被雇用。A Bioinformatics Specialist with a strong background in the fields of Molecular Biology and Biostatistics was hired.

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尽管如此,医学研究所生物统计学部门和皇家统计学社的希拉伯德教授就表示要谨慎对待。Even so, Professor Sheila Bird of the MRC's biostatistics unit and the Royal Statistical Society, sounds a cautious note.

虽然个人可以获取受人尊敬的大学校园生物统计学学士学位,这仅仅是开始。Although an individual can earn a BS in Biostatistics at a number of well respected college campuses, this is just the beginning.

本文介绍笔者在教授基础生物统计学经验及成果。The aim of this paper was to share my personal experience and outcome of teaching fundamental biostatistics to undergraduate students.

生物统计,统计学,输血,应用数学,计算机编程专业硕士毕业,获更高学历者优先。Master degree in Biostatistics , Statistics, Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Computer Programming or above requirement is preferable.

本文将数理的方法应用于古生物学的研究中,用聚类分析方法对新生代植物化石进行了分析。In the present paper, clustering analysis as one of the biostatistics methods was applied to study the Cenozoic macrofossil floras of China.

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通过利用传统生物学统计方法和地统计学方法,得出其卵、幼虫和蛹的空间格局均为负二项分布,即聚集分布。The spatial pattern of egg, larva and pupa are all the aggregated distribution by analysis with the traditional biostatistics and geo-statistics.

生物统计学能够被定义为医学和生物医学科学领域中数据简化方法,可变性和种群的科学。Biostatistics can be defined as the science of data reduction methods, variability and populations, in the field of medicine and biomedical science.

生物统计部可为您量身设计全面的统计分析和编程服务。The Biostatistics Department of GMCS provides comprehensive statistical and programming services specifically designed to meet the needs of your study.

应用统计学的数理演算、推论,对生物性的资料加以分析处理。Biostatistics is considered here to mean the statistical approach applied to the management and analysis of biological data based on variation in nature.

生物统计学是一个工作领域,在这个领域中大学生应用统计研究和技术来解决问题。Biostatistics is a job field in which college students are instructed in the proper ways of applying statistical research and techniques to solve problems.

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生物数学教研室是国内生物数学与生物统计领域教学与科研的重要力量。Biomathematics group is an important unit in fields of biomathematics and biostatistics in China, and many internationally famous biostatisticians such as Prof.

获英国伦敦大学卫生政策规划与筹资硕士学位以及哈尔滨医科大学流行病学与卫生统计学博士学位。She acquired her master degree in health policy financing and planning of London University, her doctor degree in epidemiology and biostatistics of Harbin Medical University.

自举法随机重抽样数据阐发是掩护生物学的重要组成部分,也是生物盘算机工程和生物统计学领域的热门研究课题。The bootstrap resampling method is very important in Conservational Biology. And it is still concerned by the scientists in the fields of Biostatistics and Computational Biology.