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你能替我弄到一些票吗?Can you procure some tickets for me?

你能获得那本珍本古书吗?。Can you procure that rare old book ?

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那书已绝版,很难弄到手。The book is out of print and difficult to procure.

换句话说,武器装备都要就地寻获才行。In other words, weapons and equipment are procure on-site.

目前还不清楚这些商店是如何获得苹果的商品。It is unclear how the stores procure the Apple merchandise.

您能在今晚以前找到一根粗铁杠吗?Could you procure a stout iron bar between now and this evening?

请设法给我们从河里搞一些被污染了的河水标本来。Try to procure us some specimens of the polluted water from the river.

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他们不知道通过什么关系,在观音寺找了一处校址。Not known how but they've managed to procure a property to host the school.

若省道出现在错误的位置上,重新标出它的位置,并重复这道程序。If the dart appears in the wrong position, remark its site and repeat the procure.

世界卫生组织注重使本国卫生团体能自行采购这些项目。WHO has focused on enabling the in-country health groups to procure these items themselves.

通过她的社会地位,她可以从这些人中获得爱,那么她将永远不会孤单。That her social status would procure love from these people. And that she would never be alone.

总之,海军计划采购30艘新型潜艇使其有强大的水下作战能力。In all, Navy plans to procure 30 new submarines to have formidable underwater fighting capabilities.

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在任何情况下,有可能从卖方市场不隶属于索尼促使所需的零件。In any case, it may be possible to procure the necessary parts from a seller not affiliated to Sony.

证券公司不得以不正当竞争手段招揽证券承销业务。Securities companies shall not procure the underwriting business with improper means of competition.

她尽力设法拿到卫生部的合约,去帮医院裁制衣服和床单。She managed to procure a contract with the Ministry of Health to make hospital gowns and bed sheets.

与基督相交是尊荣的,若将之视为廉价是最伤主的心。Fellowship with Christ is so honourable that the sorest sorrow is a light price by which to procure it.

后生产“杰克凯德,”阿甘正传几次努力来获取适合他的另一出戏。After the production of "Jack Cade, " Forrest made several efforts to procure another play suited to him.

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我抬头研究起挂在墙上的一幅手写指示牌,上面有获取洗衣粉的说明。I tried to decipher a hand-written sign on the wall explaining how to procure a cup of powdered detergent.

架构师必须决定是否需要购买该中间件以及,如果购买了,如何进行安装和配置。The architect must decide whether to procure such middle­ware and, if so, how to install and con­figure it.

但死心不息的我还是如约赶到东直门地铁口集合,心想,既然不能参加活动的全过程,那就参加活动的前奏部份吧。I thought that as I could not take part in the all stage, all right, I could procure the prelude part active.