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红色斑疹。A red blotchy rash.

她满脸斑痕,眼睛肿胀。Her face was blotchy and her eyes swollen.

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特别适合粗燥和有大块斑点的皮肤。It is especially effective for rough, blotchy skin.

花是到处带有污点的血红色的,闻起来像腐肉。They are blotchy blood red. They smell like decaying flesh.

婴儿及儿童患者会出现尖声的呻吟嚎哭声,皮肤苍白有疤痕。There can be a high-pitched moaning crying and pale blotchy skin.

贝拉克里特斯那刚刚还充满了喜悦的脸色瞬间变得羞红而丑陋。Bellatrix's face, so recently flushed wit happiness, had turned an ugly, blotchy red.

她往后站了站,脸色通红,满脸泪痕。”只是因为你现在看上去完全不一样了。She stood back, her face red and blotchy. "It's just that you look so different now. ""

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而且筋腐果的平均单果重显著地高于正常果。Moreover, fruit mean weight of blotchy ripening fruit was significantly higher than normal fruit.

麻疹患者的临床表现以发热、斑丘疹为主,仅8例可见口腔黏膜斑。The clinical manifestations mainly were fever and blotchy erythema, Koplik's spots appeared only in 8 cases.

所以,果实白熟期是筋腐果对遮光发生敏感的时期。So fruits in white-mature period are the sensitive period for the incidence of blotchy ripening fruit to shading.

在日光温室内,以番茄品种佳粉10号为试材,研究了土壤水分对番茄褐变型筋腐病发生的影响。The experiment on effect of soil water on blotchy ripe ning in tomato fruit was conducted with variety Jiafen No. 10 in greenhouse.

在筋腐果的未褐变维管束与果肉中,苯丙氨酸含量升高,以其为前体的莽草酸代谢途径可能加强,合成大量的酚类物质,从而引起褐变。In the brown vascular and green pericarp of blotchy ripening fruit, there are more phenols matter which is an important factor in causing browning.

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初期主要症状为发烧,咳嗽,流鼻涕及红眼,此后3至7天面部出现灰红色泡疹,并逐渐蔓延至身上其它部位,这一症状将持续4到6天。This is followed in 3 to 7 days by a dusty red, blotchy rash that begins on the face and then extends over the rest of the body and lasts for 4 to 6 days.

它使用独特技术允许甚至新手从他们的图像移除被称做“JPEG人工制品”和“污点外观”的东西,轻松,迅捷并高效。It uses a unique technique that allows even novices to remove the so-called "JPEG artifacts" and the " blotchy look" from their images easily, quickly and effectively.

这双眼睛使它看到人类看不到的由饱含花蜜的花朵发出的紫外线,从而引导蛱蝶找到这些花朵。Blotchy eyes with hundreds of minute lenses guide the butterfly to nectar-bearing flowers whose colors give off ultraviolet rays visible to the insect but not to humans.

选举官头也不抬,用塑料棒沾了紫色墨水就在我左手的中指上抹下一条污渍。The polling officer didn’t even raise her head. After dipping a plastic straw into a bottle of purple ink, she drew a blotchy line down the middle finger of my left hand.

在果实白熟期,不同的遮光强度对筋腐果的发生也有显著影响,但筋腐果的发生没有随着遮光强度的增加而明显加重。When fruits in white-mature period, the light intensity also influent the incidence of blotchy ripening fruit although the incidence is not increased with the shading level.

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他们坐在轮椅上、扶手椅里或是木长凳上,所有人的瘦弱的布满针眼的胳膊上都连着输血管,有些人的脸上还带有破相的痕迹。They sat in wheelchairs, armchairs , on wooden benches, all with blood transfusions dripping into their thin and blotchy arms. Some had strange disfiguring marks on their faces.

2004年,一个初始考试营养指甲床的变化,揭示斑点皮肤的颜色,冰凉的脚浮肿的权利,极度虚弱的双腿,扩散和敏感性和右臂轻触。In 2004, an initial exam revealed trophic nail bed changes, blotchy skin color, cold feet, swelling of the right extremity, diffuse weakness of both legs and right arm with sensitivity to light touch.