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变戏法的人讨厌推搡。Or a juggler hates a shove.

你可以选择推他一把。And you could give him a shove.

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咱们来把船推下水去。Let us shove the boat into the water.

这车子启动不了。你能不能推它一把?The car won't start. Can you give it a shove?

它们爬上长凳越过栅栏,你推我挤,形成了一道天然的屏风。They shove each other to form a natural screen.

他用篙一点就把船撑开了。He pushed the boat off with a shove of the pole.

你们不能再推人进来了,车子已经挤满了。You can't shove any more people in, the bus is full.

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可是不管怎样样,我们当时是爱着才有了你。But yo, push come to shove , you was conceived in love.

突然间,老灰熊给棕色熊一个重重的推撞。Then suddenly, Old Grizzly gave Brown Bear a big shove.

兰伯特用力推了勒克韦尔一把,把他送上了路。Lambert gave Luckwell a hefty shove to send him on his way.

选举人让国会把新税法报废。Voters are telling the Congress to shove its new tax plan.

你是否会打人,伤已,或者挤推别人呢?Hit someone, hurt yourself, or push and shove others around?

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同时,丹和里克将被捆绑的金姆塞入盖恩斯的车中。Meanwhile, Dan and Rick shove the tied-up Kim into Gaines' car.

他们推搡着向前去得到更好的生活,而就有人受伤。They push and shove to get their good life and people get hurt.

他们堆了愈来愈多的资料,以为这很好,但事实上却不然。They shove more and more data, thinking it's better but it's not.

狂暴的风几乎要把登山者推入渺无人烟的深渊。Violent winds threatened2 to shove the climbers off into oblivion.

简而言之,没有人尝试过将诗推向主流媒体。In short, no one is making an effort to shove it into mainstream media.

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过去,在职业开始时推一把可能对他们的帮助就足够了。In the past, an initial shove might have been all the help they needed.

“为什么你不狠狠把她推下去?”茱莉叶说,“如果是我,我就把她推下去。”" Why didn't you give her a good shove ? " said Julia. " I would have. "

唯一能阻止它的办法是把你边上那壮汉推向列车。The only way to stop it is to shove a huge man next to you onto the tracks.