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莫哈韦沙漠,死亡谷南面。Mojave Desert.

十亿元是一笔巨款。It is a vast desert.

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但他最终没有放弃But he doesn't desert.

茫茫沙漠中瀚海之一粟。A grain of desert sand.

整个州都是沙漠。the whole state is desert.

酒馆是文化沙漠。Pubs are a cultural desert.

骆驼在沙漠里干什么?What do camels do in desert?

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在沙漠上的试验。The experiment in the desert.

腰带,索具,沙漠沙色503。Belt, Riggers, Desert Sand 503

他独自一人穿越沙漠。He traversed the desert alone.

谅必你不会抛弃我吧!Surely you will not desert me!

在沙漠里水是很难得到的。Water is scarce in the desert.

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尾划西漠溅羊驼。West it sees desert sheep run.

银川地处沙漠气候。Yinchuan has a desert climate.

骆驼是沙漠之舟。Camels are ships in the desert.

原来这是沙漠发出的声音。It was the voice of the desert.

在沙漠中雨是很少见的。Rain is a rarity in the desert.

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我不能抛弃米考伯先生!I will never desert Mr Micawber!

我们乘卡车横穿沙漠。We traverse the desert by truck.

在黎明逼近之时离我而去。Desert me at Thy dawn's approach.