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我认为这一点值得注意。I think it's noteworthy.

让我们来了解一下其中最值得关注的内容。Look at the most noteworthy.

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不过呢,他的确有值得称颂的案例。He did have some noteworthy cases.

克斯汀·邓斯特就有一张圆圆的脸。Kirsten Dunst has a noteworthy round face.

结尾笔锋一转尤为引人注目。Thetwist at the end is especially noteworthy.

在这个文件中有一些值得关注的特性。There a few of noteworthy features in this file.

毋庸置疑这将是一次非常值得尝试的经历。I have no doubt it will be a noteworthy experience.

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但那段儿著名的历史仍然“阴魂不散”。But the noteworthy history still haunts this meeting.

因为这年的流星雨成为迄今为止最为壮观的。It is the most noteworthy Leonids meteor shower to date.

这是哈里森在白宫最显著的成就.It is Harrison's most noteworthy accomplishment in office.

帛琉以其令人赞叹的浮潜和潜水景点著称。Palau is noteworthy for its amazing and scuba diving sights.

热爱读书的人比起别人来有某些显著的好处。Book-lovers have some noteworthy advantages over other people.

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迈克塞尔的高龄同时带来了显著的成绩。Mr Mikesell's old age brought with it a noteworthy achievement.

首先,福克纳在他的故事时间的处理是最值得注意的。First, Faulkner's handling of time in his story is most noteworthy.

这是今年迄今为止最为壮观的流星雨。It is the most noteworthy Leonids meteor shower until now this year.

我没有什么引人注目的成就,工作又和专业不对口。I have nothing noteworthy and my job had nothing to do with my major.

2003年的文学上海,最值得关注的话题是什么呢?Literature in 2003 in Shanghai, the most noteworthy topic what is it?

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其中最值得注意的是对城市的跨学科研究。One of the most noteworthy is the city's cross-disciplinary research.

不过,也有一个值得注意的例外,那就是乘车人。There is one noteworthy exception, however, and that is motorcyclists.

另一个值得注意的改进是插件架构的引入。Another noteworthy enhancement is the introduction of plug-in architecture.