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目的探讨治疗颞颌关节综合征的较好的物理疗法。Objective serching for better therapy of temporomandibular joint syndrome.

目的探讨颞下颌关节真性强直的手术治疗和避免术后复发。Objective To study the surgical treatment of ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint.

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经过医生检查,阿健被确诊为下颌关节脱位。After a medical examination, Ken was diagnosed with temporomandibular joint dislocation.

手术是治疗骨性颞下颌关节强直的唯一方法。Surgical management is the only way for the treatment of temporomandibular joint ankylosis.

目的评价CT在颞下颌关节功能紊乱综合征中的诊断价值。Objective To evaluate the role of CT in the diagnosis of temporomandibular joint dysfunction.

方法31例病人全‘部经鼻腔盲探插管。Method 31 cases of Ankylosis of temporomandibular joint were blindly intubated bynostril approach.

目的介绍关节结节骨折的不同治疗方法。Objective To introduce different kinds of treatment for temporomandibular joint tubercle fracture.

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下颌骨宽度变化机制可能与颞下颌关节功能改变有关。The mechanism of mandibular width may be relate to the change of temporomandibular joint function.

目的研究偏侧咀嚼对大鼠颞下颌关节及咀嚼肌的影响。Objective To study the effect of unilateral chew on temporomandibular joint and mastication muscles.

目的探讨颞颌关节紊乱发生的心理因素及心理治疗的作用。Objective To study effect of mental factor on temporomandibular disorders and psychotherapeutic effect.

其下颌两侧的爪子能协助将猎物推入喉咙,它的胃能膨胀以装入大量食物。Its temporomandibular claws help push prey down its throat, and its stomach expands to hold large amounts of food.

作者采用钛合金人工关节凹治疗颞颌关节强直。A patient with bilateral temporomandibular joint ankylosis was treated with Ti-alloy artifical articular concavity.

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利用组织工程技术修复颞下颌关节盘缺损,是一种有效的方法。Tissue engineering technique has been commonly used in repairing temporomandibular joint disc defect in recent years.

测试从你的下颌接合处开始,用你双手的食指尖触碰你双耳的耳屏。Begin the exam by assessing the temporomandibular joint. Place the tip of your index finger in front of the tragus of each ear.

本文报告用犬做髁突-升支后份骨游离再植重建颞颌关节后关节形态、结构和组织学的研究情况。Temporomandibular joint reconstruction in ramus osteotomy and condyle -posterior ramus free reimplantation was used for 8 dogs.

本实验目的是研究关节关节板组织细胞外间质的变化以及再生的机制。The aim of this study was to examine extracellular matrix changes and mechanisms of regeneration in the temporomandibular joint disc.

临床上咬合升高常用于治疗深覆牙合、夜磨牙症及颞下颌关节紊乱。Clinically, the occlusal Viertcial rising has been used to treat deep overbite, sleep bruxism, temporomandibular joint disorder, et al.

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在咀嚼肌群或颞颚关节的功能异常且经由下行的路径而可能导致姿势上的困难。A malfunction in the muscles of mastication or the temporomandibular joint can lead to postural difficulties through a descending route.

两名病人表现颞下颌疼痛和功能障碍在稳定时期认为是造成咬合不稳定。Two patients manifested temporomandibular pain and dysfunction during the stabilization period thought to be caused by occlusal instability.

采用临床咬合诊断方法进行安氏咬合分类、颞下颌关节功能、牙合的分类、牙合功能情况的检查。Angle's classification function of temporomandibular joint, occlusal pattern and occlusal function were examined by clinical diagnosis technique.