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你的爱需要你变得像个家长。Your love requires you to be paternalistic.

国际商用机器公司一直是个家长作风很强的雇主。IBM has always been a paternalistic employer.

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很多人认为这种禁止个人选择死亡的做法有些家长作风。Many find this prohibition of an individual's right to die paternalistic.

许多人认为这种禁止个人生死权利的做法是家长作风。Many find this prohibition of an individual's right to die paternalistic.

可能这个带了点,当时政府的家长式作风Maybe it was more of a paternalistic role of government that came in then.

我真的区块,在我三十岁,谴责家长式的压力,要薄。I really chunked up in my thirties and decried the paternalistic pressures to be thin.

这种家长式的政府角色是美国公司不能忍受的。Such a paternalistic government role would be tough for American companies to stomach.

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此外,在妇女毫无权利的专制社会中,要作出有效的变化是一场漫长的战斗。Moreover, in paternalistic societies where women have few rights, effecting change will be an uphill battle.

中国的评论员经常嘲弄西方在非洲实施援助时的家长做派。Chinese commentators regularly deride Western involvement in Africa as paternalistic exercises in aid hand-outs.

验证家长式領导、转型領导在团队效能的解释力。Two, verify the explanation of paternalistic leadership and transformational leadership on organization effectiveness.

“他是不拘泥左右路线的一个人,”Furman在采访中对路透社说,“这并非是自由派或保守派的什麽经济哲学,也不能以‘家长式作风’还是‘放任自由’的概念来简单界定。”It's not an economic philosophy you could say is libertarian or conservative. It's not one you could say is paternalistic or liberal.

这会变得像家长式的作风,但科尔的论点是,如果你真的关心一个人,你不能袖手旁观。It would be paternalistic but Kohl's argument is that if you really care about somebody, you can't just stand by and ignore the hazards.

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按照一名内科医师写手的说法,女医生也比男医生更加善于倾听,不那么家长式作风。Women doctors, according to physician-writer Perri Klass, are less paternalistic than their male counterparts and \"better at listening.\"

性别、担任职务、教学年资在体育教师知觉校长家长式领导行为有显著差异。The perception of principals' paternalistic leadership was affected by gender, position, as well as the years of the teaching of the PE teachers.

在过去,无所不知的医生高高在上,医药也是一个基于家长式关系上的产物。但这一做法越来越站不住脚。In the past medicine has taken a paternalistic stance, with the all-knowing physician dispensing wisdom from on high, but that is becoming increasingly untenable.

为了对我国企业领导者领导组织学习提供指导,研究了家长式领导与组织学习的关系。In order to understand the relationship between paternalistic leadership and organizational learning, 276 surveys from 10 Chinese enterprises were collected by inquirers.

实行校务公开是对小学长期以来形成的封闭式和家长式管理体制的一次深刻变革。The opening school's affairs to public is once profound reform and change, which is to aim at long-term formative close paternalistic administrant system in primary school.

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新加坡人力资源学院主席何玉珠认为,全球危机令人质疑西方商业模式,预计其将逐步向亚洲更具家长式作风的企业文化靠拢。However, SHRI's Ho said the global crisis has raised questions about the Anglo-Saxon way of doing business, and he predicted a shift toward a more paternalistic work culture.

现代国家都存在不同程度的父权统治现象,即使国家打着保护个人财产权利的名义也会被视为是父权统治。In favour, it could be said that every state is "paternalist" to a degree. Even the state's protection of individual property rights might be interpreted as "paternalistic. "

逐渐,英国人越来越欢迎这些新来者,不过如果下一个大的收购者是中国央企,情况会有所变化,因为印度毕竟和英国情同手足。By and large, Britons seem to welcome the newcomers. Perhaps that might change if the next big acquirer is a state-backed Chinese firm, rather than a paternalistic Indian conglomerate.